Medical Astrology Dental



As per Shri Vinay Gupta, 2H, 2L, Saturn 

In my view, teeth are ruled by Mercury hence for dental problems, Mercury will be afflicted.  Mercury will not be considered afflicted when conjunct only Sun


  1. Rahu in 2H from 7L leads to prominent & protruding teeth
  2. Makar lagna last Navamsha rising gives upper front two protruding teeth
  3. 2L associated with 6L & malefic
  4. Rahu in lagna or 7H. (Rahu in 2H should also give dental problems & foul smell)
  5. Ketu in lagna gives defective
  6. Saturn in 2H gives defective teeth
  7. Saturn + Rahu in lagna or 2H gives defective teeth
  8. Sun, Moon & Saturn in 7H destroys teeth
  9. Malefic Saturn in Karka
  10. Malefic in 7H without any benefic influence
  11. Mesha, Vrishabha or Dhanu lagna rising under aspect of malefic
  12. Saturn Navamsha rising
  13. 2L & Rahu in trik house
  14. 2L & dispositor of Rahu in trik house
  15. Jupiter & Rahu in lagna
  16. Lord of Navamsha of the planet which is lord of Navamsha of 2L is associated with Rahu
  17. Moon in 4H with Gulika in Karka, Vrischika or Kumbha Navamsha 
  18. Venus in debilitation in 9H with a malefic & aspected by malefic
  19. 7L in 4H
  20. Moon in 12H, Saturn in trikona & Sun in 7H or 8H
  21. Venus in 12H, Saturn in trikona & Sun in 7H
  22. Venus & Saturn in 8H, malefic in 6H & 6L in 7H
  23. 6L in signs or Mars, LL & Mars in lagna under aspect of Saturn   

EH 1 


Between 1979 and 1985, She had teeth problems, starting with having 21 removed in January 1979. The top plate kept breaking, often during those years. They did oral surgery on 11/01/1982. On 9/23/1985, periodontal surgery failed to save her remaining teeth. Finally, false teeth gave her a good bite.

1) Dasa at birth : Mars - Ketu 

2) She suffered from dental problems from 1979 to 1985 in following dasa periods

a) January 1979 : Saturn-Mercury
b) January 1982 : Saturn-Venus-Jupiter
c) September 1985 : Saturn - Moon

3) Saturn is the lord of 64th Navamsha & Mercury is conjunct Sun who is 8L, 22nd Dreshkana lord & 85th Dwadashamsha lord under aspect of Saturn


2H, 2L, Saturn 

2H is occupied by its lord Saturn but conjunct 7L Moon
Mercury itself 6L conjunct 8L Sun under aspect of Saturn 


  1. Saturn in 2H gives defective teeth. Saturn conjunction with enemy & 7L Moon in 2H is inauspicious 
  2. Saturn Navamsha rising

EH 2 

17 October 1920
2:30 hours
Omaha, Nebraska, USA

On 5/12/1956 (12th May), in Moon-Jupiter-Ketu he was leaving the home of his friend, Elizabeth Taylor, high in Coldwater Canyon, Los Angeles, when his car crashed into a telephone pole. Taylor found him crushed under the steering wheel, his face a bloody pulp. When he began to choke she put her fingers down his throat and brought out two teeth that had lodged there. Taken to the hospital, he was operated on immediately for face lacerations, a broken nose and fractured jaw. 

1) Lagna is occupied by 6L Saturn & 8L Jupiter 
2) 2H is in Paap Kartari Yoga
3) Saturn is in 2H in bhava chart as 6L
4) Mercury (2L also) is in R/K axis under aspect of 6L Saturn


  1. 2L aspected by 6L & conjunct malefic
  2. Saturn in 2H in bhava chart
  3. Lord of Navamsha of the planet which is lord of Navamsha of 2L is associated with Rahu

S Kuber RA
Jyotish Acharaya
Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer
Lal Kitab Vastu Consultant

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