We had posted two videos on dasa at birth on Kuberastrology You Tube channel. We had explained about how to apply it primarily on D-1 chart. We are extending this principle on divisional charts & connect planet of dasa at birth of children with horoscope of parents. We need to remember that Dasa at birth indicates destiny carried from previous births Which we will surely face in current life in appropriate dasas. 

For example, say MD lord at birth in D-1 is placed in Kendra or Trikona under aspect of benefic, we will consider it auspicious. If MD lord is functional benefic also, it indicates more auspiciousness. 

For divisional charts, if MD lord is placed in relevant houses, it will be considered auspicious. For example, MD lord at birth is placed in D-10 lagna or 10H of D-10 chart, it will be considered auspicious. If D-1 was indicating good professional prospects, such placement in D-10 chart would indicate successful career & survival even in difficult dasa periods. If MD lord at birth is placed in 6/8/12 houses, it may be inauspicious & may mean negative results & struggle in career. 

This is horoscope of a female native & dasa at birth was Moon - Jupiter. Moon is placed in 12H with exalted 10L Mars & Jupiter is placed in 10H. So dasa at birth is indicating one of the prospects related to career. Native is medical professional in reputed central government hospital. We can see connection of 12H with MD lord Moon. Similarly, we can analyze negative aspects also.  

Now we can apply this rule on divisonal charts. In D-10 horoscope, MD lord at birth Moon is placed in trikona house i.e. 9H so placement is auspicious & further indicating successful career. 

In D-9, Moon is lord of 7H & placed in 5H in exaltation indicating good marital prospects but placement of Rahu in 7H is not so auspicious. Married life had hiccups during initial years but later on stable married life.

In D-3 chart, Moon is placed in 12H in exaltation with natural malefic Saturn but also connected to two natural benefic Jupiter & Venus. She has two elder brothers who had struggled in career during early age but became very successful after 36 years of age. 

In D-12. Moon is placed in lagna & not under influence of any planet. Native enjoyed happiness of both parents for long time of her life.

Now, let us apply the rule through MD lord at birth of children horoscope. Her daughter was born in Mars Maha Dasa & Mars in mother's horoscope is placed in 12H in exaltation with Moon & Rahu. She is IT professional & doing well in her life working in big multinational company but far away from family from day one of her career due to influence of 12H.

Second male child of native was born in Ketu Maha Dasa who is placed in 6H of mother's horoscope under aspect of Mars & Saturn but Jupiter is also aspecting it. He had faced life threatening head injuries due to influence of Mars & Saturn but Jupiter somehow saved the life of her son. In father's horoscope. Ketu is placed in 12H under aspect of Mars indicating similar results. Ketu was in shubkartari yoga which saved the life.

In our previous You Tube video postings, we have explained in detail about analyzing static promise before applying this rule.

S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal KItab Astrologer