When a planet is not placed in its own sign, exaltation sign, debilitated sign or permanent house or in exchange with other planet, it is considered as planet of rashi phala. It means that its remedies can be performed to remove its ill effects. Otherwise, the planet is considered as planet of Greha phala which means it may not be possible to remove its ill effects through remedies. Only people with special divine powers can interfere in controlling its ill effects. But that control will actually be towards only postponing its ill effects. The only way to remove ill effects of such planet is, that person with divine power may himself / herself takes the ill effects of that planet. Still it will not be considered as full removal of its ill effects. Remedial measures will be explained in detail in later lessons.
Cycle starts with Saturn & ends with Mercury starting from the birth.
Saturn : 1 to 6 years
Rahu : 7-12 years
Ketu : 13-15
Jupiter : 16 - 21
Sun : 22-23
Moon : 24
Venus : 25-27
Mars : 28 - 33
Mercury : 34-35
Afterwards, same cycle repeats.
The planets which may give inauspicious results in first cycle, those planets will not give inauspicious results in second cycle. But it does not mean that those planets will certainly give auspicious results. It may or may not give good results but mostly we can expect them to give positive effects.
The lord of the day of birth is called as planet of birth day. For example, native born on Thursday will have Jupiter as lord of birth day. In this case we take Hindu week day i.e. day from Sun rise to next Sun rise. The planet of birth time is decided as under :
We start from the time of Sun rise. Let us assume the duration of day & night as 12 hours each & Sun rise time as 6:00 am & Sun set time as 6 pm.
Jupiter : 6-8 am
Sun : 8-10 am
Moon : 10-11 am
Mars : 11 am -1 pm
Venus : 1 pm - 4 pm
Mercury : 4-6 pm
Rahu : the duration of dusk when Sun is not visible but stars are also not visible.
Saturn : From Sun set to 4 am
Ketu : 4-6 am
In addition to above principal
Full Moon night is ruled by Moon
No Moon night is ruled by Venus
Any black night or a day densely clouded with Sun not visible is ruled by Saturn
The lord of birth day is considered as permanent house of planet of birth time (or luck) whose remedy can be performed. The lord of birth time is considered as planet of luck whose remedy can not be performed
For example : Say native is born on Monday at the dusk time. So birth day lord will be Moon & birth time lord will be Rahu. We will consider that planet of birth time (which is Rahu) is placed in permanent house of Moon (4H) which is lord of birth day. Now Rahu will not give bad effects related to 4H. And at any point of time, if it gives any bad results, we can remove its bad effects by performing remedies of Moon. Here we are not performing remedies of Rahu as it is lord of birth time whose remedies can not be performed.
In this context, we have to take following houses of planet as permanent house (& week day)
Jupiter : 9H (Thursday)
Sun : 1H (Sunday)
Moon : 4H (Monday)
Venus : 7H (Friday)
Mars : 3H (Tuesday)
Mercury : 7H (Wednesday)
Saturn : 10H (Saturday)
For Rahu & Ketu, no days are allotted so we may take following mentioned period as their day
Rahu : 12H (Dusk time of Thursday)
Ketu: 6H (Sunday 4-6 am)
Lal Kitab has not given answer to a situation when birth day lord & birth time lord is same planet. Let us take an example. Say native is born on Friday in between 1 to 4 pm. Than both the planets will be Venus & to determine its results, we will assume it be placed in 7H. And we already know a planet placed in its own house mostly gives auspicious results of that house henceforth no remedy may be required. To improve good results of Venus, we should serve cows especially black cows.
When we discuss about how to see 35 years cycle for an individual, it works like Vimshotari dasa which is different for different individual based on degrees of Moon & Nakshatra. 35 years cycle for an individual starts with the lord of the time range native is born. For example, if native is born in between 6 to 8 am which is the period of Jupiter, 35 years cycle will start from Jupiter. But please keep in mind that we are taking 6 o clock as general point of reference. Jupiter period will start from the time of Sun rise time & it may last for 2 hours or more or less depending upon the duration between Sun rise & Sun set time. We need to equally distribute the extra time or lesser time (of 12 hours) proportionally among all planets.
S Kuber RA
Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer
Lal Kitab Vastu Expert
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