Mercury protects itself through Venus similarly as Saturn
Mars malefic give sacrifice of Ketu (male progeny). Example, when Mars is placed in 10H & Sun is placed in 6H, it kills Ketu (male progeny & nephew). You may wonder here that the two planets are neither inimical nor they are placed in opposition. Actually this is due to relationship of planets placed in 6/10 houses which we will study in later lessons.
Venus transfers bad effects falling on it to Moon (mother). Example, if Moon & Venus are in opposition, mother of the male native may loose eye sight or may become blind after marriage.
It gives sacrifice of Ketu. But Jupiter itself being karaka of male progeny does not transfer bad results to male progeny signified by Ketu. Bad effects are transferred to maternal uncle signified by Ketu. Example, say Jupiter is placed in 5H. During Maha dasa of Jupiter, if there are any bad effects, it will be transferred to 6H of Ketu & not 5H of progeny. Maternal uncle will suffer during 7 years of Ketu dasa.
Transfers to Ketu
Transfers to its friendly planets (Jupiter, Mars, Sun)
Do not transfer to any planet. Relatives or work or things related to them will be adversely effected.
S Kuber RA
Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer
Lal Kitab Vastu Expert
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