Pitra dosha are not found in many horoscopes but are most feared doshas as they give very serious problems in life. Remedies of general doshas of horoscope give results as per expectation if pitra dosha remedies are performed first. Pitra dosha come into effect at different ages depending on the planet involved. Pitra dosha may arise due to malefic deeds of ancestors & may effect three generations. They are as under: 

Pitra dosha due to Jupiter

Reason: Bad deeds of ancestors like traditional family priest was abandoned. Reason could be either family was unhappy from him or he could not help beget male progeny. 

Symptoms : Native born with Jupiter Pitra dosha may disrespect or insult Jupiter related like nearby temple & cut Pipal trees.

Pitra dosha due to Sun

Reason : Disbelief in religion by ancestors, rejecting traditional spiritual values & deities & criticizing them. 

Symptoms : There will be Yagya kunda in the native's house below the floor level or there will be arrangement of light inside the house from roof.

Pitra dosha of Moon 

Reason : Disrespecting or ignoring mother or making her suffer. Forcing mother to leave the house after birth of child. 

Symptoms : Connecting toilet drain of house to nearby well or river etc. 

Pitra Dosha of Venus 

Reason : Killing pregnant woman especially of family

Symptoms : Hatred for milk giving animals especially cows

Pitra dosha of Mars

Reason : Cheating & fraudulent activities with close friends, poisoning someone, destroying wealth & crops of others, killing pregnant buffalo 

Symptoms : Keeping no relations with even close relatives, not participating in any auspicious functions of family & relatives like marriage, child birth etc.

Pitra dosha of Mercury

Reason : cheating females in young age. Killing daughter or sister of others or causing serious cruelty towards them 

Symptoms : human trafficking of innocent children or children of small age or any mislead child. Exchanging children (out of greed) of others like from male to female. 

Pitra Dosha of Saturn 

Reason : Killing someone, Taking over Saturn related articles by cheating & fraud like property etc. without paying any money. 

Symptoms : Living in south facing house or purchasing house from owner having no male progeny or making house by covering some well or by encroachment of road for public use

Pitra Dosha of Rahu 

Reason : Cheating & fraudulent activities with in-laws or close relatives to the extent that they get completely destroyed 

Symptoms : There will be drain below the main entrance door of the house or there will be cremation ground or some shop / factory etc. having hot ovens etc. near south wall of the house. 

Pitra dosha of Ketu 

Reason : Killing dogs. Giving sufferings to saint like people. Characterless nature. Giving suffering to others to the extent that their life become completely miserable like a street dog

Symptoms : Killing male progeny of others secretly or killing Ketu related relatives like maternal uncle or killing dogs etc. 



First type of Pitra dosha is created through Mercury. When any planet is placed in 9H & Mercury is ill placed (& alone) as per Lal Kitab rules in the house of that planet, it will cause Pitra dosha which are as under. There are two conditions in this dosha. First condition is Mercury should be alone & second condition is it should be ill placed. 

Jupiter in 9H & Mercury in 12H will form Pitra dosha of Jupiter

Sun in 9H & Mercury in 5H will form Pitra dosha of Sun. This dosha is not possible as when Sun is placed in 9H, Mercury can be placed in 8H or 9H or 10H.

Moon in 9H & Mercury in 4H

Venus in 9H & Mercury in 2H or 7H

Mars in 9H & Mercury in 1H or 8H

Saturn in 9H & Mercury is placed in 10H or 11H

Rahu in 9H & Mercury in 12H

Ketu in 9H & Mercury in 6H

While meeting the first two conditions i.e. Mercury is alone & ill placed in the house of a planet & lord of the house is placed in 9H. In case other friendly planets join the planet causing Pitra dosha, these planets will extend as helping hand to the native to come out of ill effects. For example, say Mercury is alone & placed in 8H. Mercury alone in 8th house is considered inauspicious & it is ill placement. Lord of 8H i.e. Mars will be placed in 9H. But say Mars is conjunct Sun in 9H, Sun i.e. father of the native or family deity will extend help to come out of the ill effects of this Pitra dosha. In practical cases, it is seen that even Vedic lordship will be helpful. For example, native was born in Tula lagna so Sun will be lord of 11th house of elder siblings. Some elder sibling like elder brother will also extend help to the native to save him from ill effects. Say instead of Sun, Venus was placed in 9H with Mars than wife of the native will be saving grace for the native.   




Jupiter is not placed in 2H, 3H, 5H, 6H, 9H, 12H & 2H has ill placed Saturn (alone). 

                     "                                                         & Venus alone ill placed in 5H

                     "                                                         & Mercury alone ill placed in 9H

                    "                                                          & Rahu alone ill placed in 12H

Multiple dosha may indicate very bad results. Native will lack Jupiter characteristics like wisdom, knowledge, happiness, family happiness, blessings of elders etc. Native may also be cruel & heartless & may be involved in bad deeds.      

2) Sun is not placed in 1H or 11H & Venus alone ill placed in 5H. Significations of Sun like career prospects, own health, immune system, bones etc. & father also if Jupiter is also ill placed.  

3) Moon is not placed in 4H & Venus or Mercury or Saturn ill placed in 4H. If two or all three are placed in 4H, it will give further more bad results.  It will spoil characteristics of Moon like longevity & health of mother & it may also give bad results for relatives of mother like maternal uncle etc.. 

4) Venus not in 1H or 8H & 2H / 7H has ill placed Sun or Moon or Rahu or either of two or all three. Venus significations will be spoiled like marital, luxuries, comforts etc.  

5) Mars not in 7H & Mercury or Ketu or both ill placed in 1H or 8H. Mars significations will be spoiled like blood related, brother, courage to face difficulties in life etc. 

6) Mercury not in 2H or 12H & Moon alone ill placed in 3H or 6H. Mercury significations like veins, teeth, intellect, relatives of Mercury like sister, daughter etc. will suffer.   

7) Saturn not in 3H / 4H & 10H or 11H has Sun or Moon or Mars or either of two or all three. Saturn significations like property, debts, super natural problems etc.  

8) Rahu not in 6H & Sun or Venus or Mars ill placed in 12H either alone or together. Rahu significations are thinking on the feet, clever ideas to progress in life & handle difficult conditions, in -laws etc.    

9) Ketu not in 2H & Moon or Mars or both in 6H. Ketu significations are own male child, feet, spinal, urinary, joints etc.   


Generally, if pitra dosha are found, it will be found in horoscopes of most of the family members & will also be generally similar doshas (not always). For example, if elder most child of family has pitra dosha of Mars, it will be repeated in younger children also.  



When hairs of head of native starts turning grey in early age, fortune will start shifting towards negativity. Native will be blamed & insulted despite no good reason. Earlier, the good results of activities & actions were achieved easily but native will start facing failure in similar activities despite the hard work & dedication. Native may loose his job maximum by the combined age of Rahu / Ketu i.e. 45 years & will not get another job despite of best efforts. Native may suffer on account of health like respiratory issues, lung disease, limb disfunction or failure etc. Even relatives, colleagues, friends etc. may not extend any help rather criticise him & declare the native as foolish.   

Remedy : Collect equal amount of money from all blood relatives & donate it in ancestral temple or in the temple where native or his parents are visiting. We can alternatively donate it to the elder most temple priest having good knowledge of Vedas & Mantras & who is following rituals of a temple priest like keeping braid, waking up early morning 2 hours before Sun rise time i.e. around 4 a.m. etc. If all blood relatives do not contribute, take 10 times on their behalf. For example, if you decided to take Rs 10 as contribution of each member, take Rs 100 for each blood relative. Blood relatives include all paternal side relatives including all children. For married females of family, though their gotra has change after marriage, we can take their sole contribution as eventually she was also born in same family & she may also have Pitra dosha in her horoscope because of birth taken in that family. Serving Pipal tree will be auspicious. LK has suggested how to select the Pipal tree to serve. Stand at the main door of the house facing outwards. Go towards right side & you may generally find one with in 16 steps. In case, if there is no Pipal tree within 16 steps, try moving 21 steps. If you still do not find one, try moving 40 steps & you will find one. Similarly, you can find a temple also & after performing the mentioned remedy, start donating some money on monthly basis in the temple. Donating 10% of monthly income will be very auspicious else you can choose the amount as per your own desire. You can later increase this amount but do not decrease the amount unless your income is also reduced.   


The native will start experiencing problems in his career in young age itself. Native will suffer from poor income & lack of wealth. All dreams of childhood regarding getting success in career will be shattered. Native may get trapped in false court case or false allegations or recovery of debts not taken by him. Native may find difficulties in getting his higher education degree despite he had completed the studies. If in any case, he gets the documents, it will be lost or may be stolen away. Native may consult wrong & greedy doctor who may try to extract money through false diagnosis. All these problems may continue up to 38 years & native may become total failure by this age. But if native begets male progeny not having Pitra dosha, native may recover from the bad results by the age of 11 months or 11 years of male child. Native should not stop traditional family rituals & keep worshiping family deity. The Pitra dosha effects of Sun will be experienced by parents also in the childhood of native. Father of the native may suffer on account of health & longevity. Mother of the native may get responsibility of family & she may be forced to earn money through low means like a servant & in some cases it is seen through flesh selling.  


Collect equal amount of money from all blood relatives & perform Yagya for Sun or in the name of ancestors. Afterwards, start performing the yagya every month on Sunday. Apart from performing Yagya, we can feed 108 monkeys full stomach in single day by offering food of their liking once in a year. 


The native will face problems in completing his education & even if he manages to complete his education, it will be of no use for him. Native will be a miser & will always expect others to offer him free help & due to such nature, native will always be under financial constraints. Native may try hard to save some wealth but eventually such saved money will be spent on expenses towards death rituals or illness or litigation or penalty etc. To avoid such situation, native should learn to offer free milk & help to others. Some more indications of Moon pitra dosha will be seen in his house like there will be seepage in the walls of the house & wall paint may swell & form crust.    


Collect equal amount of silver (may be even 1 or 2 gms or as desired) from all blood relatives & put it all collectively in flowing river. Do not throw it in pond or any standing water. If river is not available, it can be put in sea also by going inside the sea around couple or more kilometers.    


Native may suffer from skin related problems like leucoderma etc. Native starts facing the ill effects right from the day of marriage. Either during the marriage of native or around marriage time, native will have to attend funeral of some relative. In some cases, it is seen that either of bride or groom may die or wife may run away after or just before marriage. Wife & her family may file legal case against native of harassment or dowry or impotency etc. In case native manages to survive his marriage, both wife & his mother will suffer.        


Collect equal amount of money from all blood relatives & feed 108 Cows in single day. Feed Cows the food of their liking like Chari, Jwar, cottonseed cake etc. To feed them full stomach, add these to the fodder. Cow should not be handicap or having broken horns or tail cut etc. 


When native starts his career, he gets success in all his ventures comfortably. Native will keep increasing his intellect & skills. His opponents & enemies will be afraid of him. His friends will look forward for help from him. Native gets appreciation at his work place, among friends, family etc. But suddenly, things will start reversing. There will fire accidents or native himself may face an accident & may break his ribs or other bones. As per Vedic Astrology, if lagna lord of the horoscope is placed in Navamsha in rasi of 8th house of rasi chart, native will die in such accident. No one will come to extend any help to him. Native may be trapped by people of his own circle in some allegations & allegation will be of very low gravity still he will face physical assault. He will be denied justice. He may also be killed or native may be completely destroyed. All these events will happen in between 28 to 36 years of age & may happen multiple times. In some cases, it is seen that native may be able to fight for himself up to 39 years maximum. Afterwards, if native survives, he will live miserable life. The people who conspired could not be caught. For female native, apart from the mentioned problems, she may be raped in early age & in some cases around half the age of Mars i.e. around 14 years.   


Though the Pitra dosha is related to Mars, its remedies are performed taking help of Saturn. Donate money to people involved in Saturn related work for giving free services to poor. Saturn related work are like doctor (Ayurveda etc.), iron related work like blacksmith, iron door & window makers, mustard oil extractors etc. Native should not involve in bad professions of Saturn like selling illegal liquor, pirated or adulterated articles, fake medicines etc. else it will be very harmful for his family especially male progeny.    


Native will first beget daughter followed by son. When both will reach the age so they can communicate with each other, malefic results will start reflecting. Native will start taking foolish & wrong decisions. His communication skills will deteriorate & he will be misunderstood by others. No one will listen to each others suggestions. Native will suddenly start loosing all his wealth. There will be sudden accidents in family or family may suffer on account of health or tribulation. Health problems may be related to veins, dental, skin, large intestine, loss of smell & taste etc. Mother may die early else will lead miserable life. Relatives will refuse to extend any help. Native may try to find out reasons for all these sudden happenings in his life but will not be able to get any clue. If native somehow manages to earn some money, at the end of the year he will face expenses more than savings. The only positive part will be that he could manage to save his life. The bad effects of Mercury Pitra dosha will be experienced by in-laws & maternal uncles also. All these bad effects will be seen from 34 to 48 years of age. The initiation of the bad effects will be experienced after the children start speaking in childhood or after the completion of teething process. Native may roam around for consultation with multiple astrologers or tantrik etc. but no one could solve his issues. The bottom line is, Pitra dosha can not be removed unless its remedies are performed.     


Collect equal amount of yellow kauri shells (say one or three or five or six etc.). Burn them in raw coal from the Sun rise time & put the ashes same day in flowing river before Sun set. In some countries, this remedy is not possible due to ban on Kauri, in that case feed 108 girls under puberty sweat halwa & puri made of pure cow ghee in single day. We can choose some government primary girls school for poor & feed them post school time. 


Native suffers in business especially related to Saturn. Native may finalize some deal & take some advance also. To execute the deal, native may borrow some money & purchases material for it. Suddenly, native develops pain in eyes & head. The customer who had paid some advance does not return. The material purchased for completing the deal either gets burnt in fire or spoiled in heavy rain. No one comes to rescue the native from problems. Some relatives may also get injured or burnt in fire accident especially related to legs. Native was trying to make arrangement for ambulance for relatives but suddenly snake appears. If we take an example of house construction, native will start suffering after walls are erected but lanter was just about to be laid. Walls may also collapse before the lanter was laid. A talented male child of the native may either be expelled from examination or may fail in examination. If native or his child somehow manages to make a good house, they will not be able to stay in that house. If ready made house was purchased, its stairs will be broken & there was compulsion to re-build whole stairs. If native somehow succeeds in staying his purchased house, there will be threat to longevity & there will be incidents of snakes, poisoning, weapon attacks etc. & native's family members will keep reducing due to death.        


Feed 108 male labor full stomach in single day. If native has access to large pond full of fishes, native can feed wheat flour balls to fishes at 108 different places. It will be very difficult to find 108 places so native can feed fishes at some large pond or river moving 20 - 20 steps. The quantity of balls can be decided as per financial capacity of native but it should be at least one fist per place. If there is no problems related to expenses, native can take 108 kg wheat floor & distribute balls equally. 


There will be sudden fire accident preferably at night when native had become very wealthy & was doing very well in life. Native will have to struggle to even save his life. His wealth, gold etc. will be stolen or be lost by cheating & there will be unwanted disputes. If native may associate with in-laws for work related, it will give very bad results like health issues, bad thoughts, wrong decisions, early signs of oldness etc. The male children of native may be mentally or physically retarded but if tall, handsome etc. they will suffer on account of respiratory diseases, epilepsy etc. Someone may be forced to go to jail without any crime. Justice will not be delivered by court of law rather native will be penalized & be sent to jail. There will be deaths in family. But native could never understand the reason behind his sufferings. Eventually, native will be declared as foolish due to his failures despite he was earlier considered very intelligent & smart in his successful days.  


Collect equal amount of Nariyal from all blood relatives & put them in river / sewer together. We can take pooja green dry Nariyal for this remedy. Afterwards, we can put one Nariyal in river / sewer every month on Saturdays.     


Ketu Pitra dosh gives very bad results for male progeny. Male children may die suddenly in some accident or unexpected events at home. LK states that upto three male children may die. Ketu is also significator planet of taking advice from learned people but due to Ketu Pitra dosha, native will get only wrong advices & he may be cheated. In modern context, it can give heavy loss through cyber crime. It may give problems related to hearing, spinal cord, back bone damages, sudden slip & fall, problems related to genitals, stones, appendix issues etc. It is seen that in some case, no male child is born. If male children are born, the sufferings may start immediately after they start walking & may die in the age of Jupiter i.e. in between 16 to 21 years. If they somehow survive beyond this age, they will suffer on account deafness, loss of hearing, urinary diseases, paralysis etc. & maternal uncle will have extreme sufferings. Native may face big losses while traveling (Ketu is karaka of travel). If native may purchase some house from an owner having no male child, the sufferings will be of extreme level.  


Feed 108 dogs full stomach in single day. Dog should not be handicap or tail cut. Whenever offering food as remedy, food should be of liking of the animals. Dogs like non vegetarian the most so we can  feed food packets made by chicken, mutton, fish etc. Another remedy is that, just stand in front of the main gate / door of the house as if you are going inside the house. On the left side, next to your house, there will be widow who lost her husband in very early age. Serve her & take her blessings & never try to exploit her for sex. 

In modern days, it is difficult to collect money from all blood relatives so we can contribute 10 times for each relative. In simple words, bear all the expenses yourself.   

All above mentioned dosha will give their maximum ill effects when 2,5,9,12 houses are also ill placed especially through enemies of Jupiter.

When above mentioned ill placements are found in horoscope but there is no Pitra dosha present, the ill effects will be of moderate intensity & could be managed by regular remedies as per their placements. 

Any planet will be auspicious or inauspicious as per LK is explained in the next lesson.

S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer

Lal Kitab Vastu consultant 

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