As we have read in previous lessons that each planet has rulership over different age of life. But this age rulership gets modified when other planets add their effects into a planet. For example, if Rahu adds its effects into Sun, LK states that its full eclipse & Sun's age turns as zero. When Sun & Rahu are conjunct, Jupiter's results gets adversely affected. Native may have bad intentions & evil thoughts. Rahu will also be a moving evil. It means that Rahu's bad effects will also effect the next house. For example, if Sun & Rahu are placed in 6th house, it can spoil 7H & so marital aspects. If Jupiter results are not affected, native may have life threat around 45 years of age. Sun being karaka of professional success especially through government job will adversely affect it. 

Sun conjunct inimical planets (Venus, Paapi (Sat, Rahu, Ketu) will affect the house related to conjunct planet. That planet will give its adverse results in between the age of Sun & combined age of Rahu/Ketu i.e. in between 22 to 45 years of life & thereafter, ill effects will be greatly reduce. But if friendly planet also joins like Moon or Mars or Jupiter than adverse effects will be seen related to friendly planet & not inimical planet. 

During solar eclipse, if Mercury & Venus are conjunct (artificial Sun), bad effects of solar eclipse are greatly reduced. Same results are applicable when Mercury is in previous houses from Venus. Sun will give good results from 39 year to 39 years i.e. up to 78 years. 

Sun + Rahu conjunction in different houses indicates following 

1H : Chin, maternal grand parents, East direction

2H : Dust below elephant's feet ( Elephant is Rahu & dust is ruled by lord of 2H i.e. Venus), in laws, smoke, secretive thief of house, N-W direction

3H : Elephant's teeth will be inauspicious, leopard, barley, south

4H : Dream, duration of dream, whole coriander, sub conscious mind, N-E 

5H : roof top, happiness & longevity of progeny, East wall

6H : complete black dog, North

7H : business related to speculation etc. like in share market S-W 

8H : melancholia, South wall

9H : threshold, blue color, diseases related to body above naval region, center of the house

10H : drain of the house carrying polluted water like sewer line, West

11H : blue sapphire, west wall

12H : raw coal, elephant, skull, S-E 

When Sun - Rahu conjunction is not considered inauspicious, its results will be as under 

In 5H : Native will become head at its work place

As the conjunction is inauspicious, above things be kept in mind for not doing & for remedial purpose.   

If Sun - Rahu conjunction is considered inauspicious, the bad effects of the eclipse will be severe especially when placed in 9/12 houses. When placed in 6H, Rahu will adversely affect 12H as well 7H. 

The bad results of eclipse will be seen for progeny either up to full age of Rahu (i.e. 42) or at least half (21) especially when Mars itself is ill placed or is not in a position to control Rahu or Rahu can add its malefic effects in to Mars. It will adversely affect health & longevity of native also. Profession difficulties will be seen (except in 5H) & financial losses or wasteful expenses due to own ill thoughts. Native's skin may have black & white spots (but not leukoderma). 

Inauspicious Sun-Rahu in 5H & Saturn / Mars in 5/9 houses makes one born blind

3H : Both Mercury & Ketu will give bad results up to 34 years of age

5H : And Moon in 4H makes progeny suffer at least up to half of Rahu age. Maternal uncle & in laws will suffer on account of poverty, poor daily income up to Rahu's full age or half or at least one fourth. 

9/10/11/12 houses : In 9/12 houses it gives lesser risk of longevity. 

In 10/11 houses, it threatens longevity & gives age of 22 years when male planets are not supporting & Saturn is malefic & 2H has female planet. 

S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer

Lal Kitab Vastu Expert 

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