Each planet, as you know rules over a specific age. For example, Jupiter's age is 16 & it operates for 6 years i.e. 16,17,18,19,20,21. We expect Jupiter's results 16th year & onwards. But any planet can produce its effect in half as well one fourth of its age. So in case of Jupiter, we can see its effects in 8 or 4 years also. Same rules apply for other planets also.
As a special rule, Saturn generally gives good results at 10/19/27 years. 18 year for father & 27 for property & wealth are considered generally inauspicious. For fortune support, Mercury supports in 23 & Mars in 30th year.
We can divide the one year period (& also the total period of a planet) in to three parts as under
Planet I part of the year II part III part
Jupiter Ketu Jupiter Sun
Sun Sun Moon Mars
Moon Jupiter Sun Moon
Venus Mars Venus Mercury
Mars Mars Saturn Venus
Mercury Moon Mars Jupiter
Saturn Rahu Mercury Saturn
Rahu Mars Ketu Rahu
Ketu Saturn Rahu Ketu
The above table also indicates the time of result a planet gives. This is similar to Vedic Astrology. For example, we know that Jupiter & Venus give its results in middle of its dasa period & transit. Similarly, Sun & Mars give its results at the beginning itself. Moon, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu give results at the last. For Mercury, Vedic states that its results are observed throughout the dasa or transit period & that is why when you see the LK table above, you do not see Mercury (in sub period) in regards to when it will give its results. LK further clarifies that if a planet is giving its strong results in a particular period, than for rest of the period, which planets will participate in adding results in other periods. Let us take example to further understand this principle. Say Jupiter is placed in 5th house in LK Varshpshala (LK annual horoscope). So for first four months, 5th house results will be modified by Ketu as per Ketu placement in annual horoscope. Second four months results of 5H will be modified by placement of Jupiter in annual horoscope. Last four months, 5H results will be modified by Sun's placement in annual horoscope. Same rule applies for all the planets.
S Kuber RA
Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer
Lal Kitab Vastu Expert
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