The age of houses & planets

1H : 100 years

3H : 90 years

10H : 90 years

12H : 90 years

4H : 85

6H : 80

2H : 75

Jupiter : 75 years

Mercury & Ketu : 80

Venus & Moon : 85

Saturn, Mars & Rahu : 90

Sun : 100 years

When female & male planets are together : 96 years

With Mercury or Paapi : 85

Moon + Ketu & Sun + Rahu : Reduces by 3 years

The above mentioned ages have no connection with longevity of the native. The house & planet collectively have the age in the following manner. For example, Jupiter (whose age is 75 years) is placed in 1H whose age is 100 years, it means that Jupiter will give its good or bad results up to the age of 75 years only. Similarly, if Sun is placed in 6H, it will give its good or bad results up to 80 years of age. 

As we know about lords, exalted, debilitated houses etc. of different planets. Here we will know which planet is considered as planet which raises fortune of any house. Also, we will know which planet is of rasi fhala i.e. which can be handled through remedial measures placed in different houses

HOUSE             Planet of fortune              Greha Fhala               Rasi Fhala 

1H                          Mars                                 Mars                           Rahu

2H                          Moon                                Rahu / Ketu                

3H                          Mercury                            Saturn                       Saturn for wealth

4H                          Moon                                 Moon                        Mars, Venus, Ketu

5H                          Sun                                    Sun, Venus

6H                          Rahu                                  Mercury, Ketu          Male planets, Saturn

7H                          Venus                                 Venus                        Sun, Jupiter, Rahu

8H                          Moon                                  Mars                          

9H                          Jupiter                                 Jupiter                      Saturn, Mercury

10H                        Saturn                                  Saturn                      Ketu

11H                         Jupiter                                Jupiter, Saturn          

12H                         Ketu                                   Rahu                         Mercury 

Exalted planet will have full power in positive terms

Debilitated planet similarly for negative results

Planet of own house will be of average results but in positive terms

7 planets x 12 rasi = 84 which connects to different yoni as well as number of breaths. Taking number of breaths as 12 to 16 per minute, it will come to appx 84 lacs breaths in a year. To further connect, after 7 years, planets mostly repeat their results or in other words, situation of life becomes similar every 8th year. Life also changes after 12 years              

We consider results by taking rasi & planet together. No planet debilitates 2H. 2H is house of Venus but it is the collective house of Rahu / Ketu being artificial planets of Venus. Rahu / Ketu are of Greha Fhala in this house. There is no planet of rasi fhala in 2H so planets do give their good or bad results. Neither any planet debilitates 5H nor exalts. Planet posited in 5H is related to destiny of own income. Similarly, 11H is related to our social dealings. No planet exalts 8H. No one can kill the death except Moon who is the planet of peace of heart & divine (secretive) help. 

If we minutely analyze, we will realize that 12H is the permanent house of Rahu as well debilitated house. Similarly 6H for Ketu. To appreciate this in detail, see as under


In 12H of Jupiter, Rahu will be considered as debilitated despite they are not enemies. When Rahu & Jupiter are together, Jupiter is considered as silent planet. Rahu is considered as sky (12H) & blue color. Jupiter's air (oxygen) will keep getting thinner as it rises up in the sky & will create difficulties in breathing. And if reverse happens, its air gets thicker due to effects of Ketu (6H). Due to this principal, when Jupiter & Rahu are together, not only Jupiter will be silent but Rahu will also be inauspicious & it will results in to diseases related to breathing. But if Rahu gets the space ruled by Mercury instead of sky ruled by 12H, Rahu will give auspicious results. In other words, Rahu will give good results with the support of Mercury or in 6H ruled by Mercury. As they are friends, their relationship will give good results. Both are considered exalted in 6H & debilitated in 12H. If we assume Rahu as wall of sky, Rahu will ask Jupiter to be on either side of the wall meaning that either above the wall indicating divine world or below the wall indicating this material world. So their conjunction will result in to Jupiter's interference in either side only.                             


When with Mercury or in 6H, Ketu will be debilitated. But when it gets support of Jupiter, Ketu will give its results of exaltation. So, Rahu will be exalted in 3/6 houses & Ketu will be exalted in 9/12 houses. For debilitation, opposite houses apply. Rahu / Ketu or for that matter all planets exists in space ruled by Mercury. 

Mercury is considered debilitated in 12H (for the reason mentioned in LK) as it is the house of its enemy Jupiter. It is considered exalted in 6H as it is his own house. No doubt, it is the house of Ketu also but Ketu & Mercury have common friend Venus. Mercury (head) & Ketu (dog) connection signifies mental situation of head (of dog). 

When Mercury is placed in 3H & 6H is vacant, Ketu will be considered as lord of 6H. When 12H is vacant & Jupiter is placed in 9H, Rahu will act as lord of 12H. But when Jupiter is not placed in 9H, we will consider Mercury as Jupiter & Rahu together are artificial planets of Mercury. 

12H Rahu results will be decided as per placement of Mercury & 6H Ketu results will be decided as per placement of Jupiter in horoscope. 

If we consider each house of the horoscope as a building, the plot of the house will be of the lord of the house & building will belong to permanent lord of the house. For example, 11H lord is Saturn so we can state that floor of the house may be related to Saturn, i.e. marble, wood, iron etc. And building will be related to Jupiter like yellow etc. 


First house aspects 7H with 100% aspect. It means that planet placed in 1H will aspect planet placed in 7H. Let us understand this principle through examples. Say Moon is placed in lagna in friends house (lord Mars & karaka Sun) & Saturn is placed in 7H in exaltation house & friendly house (Venus & Mercury). Moon's age is 24 years. The results of aspect of Moon on Saturn will be negative for Saturn till the age of 24 years but afterwards till the age of Saturn i.e. 36, Saturn will give good results but Moon may give negative results. In nutshell, it means that planet of lagna will have positive or negative influence on the planet of 7H till its age & afterwards 7H planet will influence the planet of lagna till its age. Another example; say Jupiter is placed in lagna & Moon is placed in 7H. Both are friends so Jupiter's good results will dominate till 16 years & Moon will also give good results. After 16 years, Moon's results will dominate till 24 years. Their combined effects will be experienced till 28 years. 

4H aspects 10H

2H aspects 6H

3H aspects 9H & 11H

5H aspects 9H

6H aspects 12H 

8H gives reverse aspect on 2H 

2/6/8/12 interact each other similar like aspect. It means that apart from aspect, 2-12 interact; 6-8 interact; 8-12 interact. The interaction in predictive terms means planets of mentioned houses will give combined effects which may be good or bad. 



1) Say planets are placed in 1H & 5H. They may be friendly or inimical but planets of 1H will generally extend help to planets placed in 5H. It is similar to trine impact concept.

Say planets are placed in 1H & 9H. In this case, planets of 9H will generally extend help to planets placed in 1H. 

In nutshell, planets placed in trines (1-5-9) will be assisting each other in many cases. Similarly, planets placed in other trine houses like 2-6-10 or 3-7-11 or 4-8-12 etc. will also extend help to each other but with some conditions of planetary positions. 

When planets are placed in 1-5-9 houses (friendly or inimical) & there is no planet in 4-7-10 houses, it will give good results like a Raj Yoga. 

When planets are placed in 2-6-10 houses & there is no planet placed in 4-8-12 houses, it will give results like a Raj Yoga.

When planets are placed in 3-7-11 & there is no planet in 1-4-10 houses, it will give results like a Maha Raj Yoga. This yoga gives fulfilment of material desires at par excellence.

When planets are placed in 4-8-12 houses & there is no planet in 2-6-10 houses, it will give results like a Raj Yoga. 

The reasons for above mentioned Raj Yogas can be better understood through principles mentioned below. The trine placements give best results when there is no obstructing planet interacting from some other house.

Planets of percussion 

Planets placed in 6H & 8H will form Shadashtak (6/8) yoga. To understand this concept, let us say that planets placed 6H will give 8th aspect to planets placed in 1H which will be generally negative & may harm planets placed in 1H. Planets placed in 1H will give 6th aspect to planets placed in 6H & may harm planets placed in 6H. But, 8th aspect is more serious. Ideally, we would like to perform remedies of planets giving 8th aspect especially if the placement is also not beneficial. Let us take an example. Say Rahu is placed in 1H & Venus is placed in 6H. They are in 6/8 position with Venus giving 8th aspect. Venus is considered debilitated also in 6H. The first preference will be to remove Venus from 6H by performing its remedies. For any reason, if we can not remove Venus from 6H, we can perform Rahu remedies. The purpose is to break this 6/8 relationship which may be harming both planets by removing either of the two. 

Planet placed in 8H from any house may cause 6/8 interaction but planet placed in 8H from 1H may give good or bad results as per placement & mutual relationship. This principle is based on combine examination of 1-8-11 houses. 

Say Moon is placed in 1H & at the same time, Saturn + Sun are placed in 6H, native will suffer on account of poverty. 

Planets of Cheat

The word "cheat" in normal context indicates negative results. But in LK context, it may be negative or positive context also.

Planets placed in 1H, 4H & 10H. Planets of 1H can impact planets of 10H or in simple words, planets of 1H can aspect planets of 10H. This is actually not aspect but the positive or negative impact due to mutual quadrant positions. Planets placed in 4H can similarly impact planets of 1H. 

For example, say Moon is placed in 1H & at the same time, either of its friends is placed in 4H or 10H, native will earn plenty of wealth through overseas travel. 

When Moon is placed in 1H & Jupiter is placed in 4H in exaltation & Saturn is also placed in 10H in its own house, native will have many vehicles & wealth. Here, Saturn is not friendly to Moon placed in 1H but Saturn being in its own house under aspect of Jupiter is contributing towards good results. 

Planets of sudden attack 

As per Vedic Astrology, position of planets in 3/11 axis is considered auspicious. But LK states that it may or may not give good results. When planets are placed in 1H, there should ideally be no planets in 3H or 11H, especially inimical planets. This rule is applied keeping in context the immediate house of cross as per North Indian horoscope. 1H has 3H & 11H as cross houses. Like wise 2H will have 4H as cross house. 3H will have 1H as cross house. 4H will have 2H & 6H as cross houses. 5H will have 7H as cross house. And so on. 

For example, say Moon is placed in 1H & Jupiter is placed in 11H. It is 3/11 axis & both are friendly. But as per LK, it makes the native a flirt, loose character or having bad habits like regular masturbation etc. After marriage, Moon will give bad results of its significations like mother, wealth etc. Mars will also give bad results (lord of 1H where Moon is placed) in regards to abdomen & brother.    

Planet of 1H may interact with planet of 7H (which is also a cross house) depending on their relationship. 

For example, say Moon is placed in 1H & at the same time, friendly planet is placed in 7H, it will give good results for wealth. 

Say Moon is placed in 1H & Venus is placed in own 7H in opposition with Moon, it may give good results in regards to relation between Mother-in-law & spouse of native & relation between mother & daughter. But the negative impact of their enmity will impact male progeny. As a remedy, keep pet dog at home before getting married (before activation of Venus)

Say Moon is placed in 1H & Mercury is placed in its permanent house 7H, it may negatively impact Mercury, the intellect of native but Moon will give good results for wealth. Native will earn good wealth through overseas travel. The good results will be applicable especially up to 24 years of native.  


Trine houses are 2-6-10. 

From 2H, 6/8 position are 7-9 houses. But in this case, there is an exception for planets placed in 9H. If friendly planets are placed in 9H, they will prove to be beneficial especially for wealth, property, blessings of parents, elders, Guru etc.  

For example, say Mars is placed in 2H & either of its friendly planets like Sun or Jupiter is placed in 9H, native will be wealthy having much saved wealth. Native will lead happy life. He will have good quality food to eat, premium clothing, strong body etc. Whenever he may need wealth, it will be easily available through parents or elders etc. 

Say Venus is placed in 2H & Saturn is placed in 9H. Native will have great & honest love for his spouse. He will be successful in life. Native will earn plenty of wealth up to at least 60 years of life. Venus related work will be beneficial for him. 

Planets of cheat will be planets of 11H & 5H. Planets of 2H can impact planets of 11H & planets placed in 5H can impact planets of 2H. In this relationship, principle is to count 10 houses ahead from the house in consideration. Say we are focusing on planets of 1H making impact. Count 10 houses ahead to see the impact, we reach at 10th house. Say we are focusing on impact of planets of 2H. Count 10 houses ahead from 2H so we reach at 11th house.

Planets of sudden impact will be planets of the only cross house i.e. 4H. So if there is planet placed in 2H, there should ideally be no planet in 4H. But if friendly planets are placed in 2H & 4H, one can expect some good results also. 

For example, Say Saturn is placed in 2H & Mercury is placed in 4H, due to Saturn impact on Mercury, most of the fingers of his hand will be slightly tilted towards to middle finger of Saturn. Native will have very sharp mind.  


Trine houses are 3-7-11

6/8/ houses are 10H & 8H

For example, say Ketu is placed in 3H & either of its inimical planets like Moon or Mars is placed in 8H, Ketu will give bad results especially when native lives in south facing house for 3 years (3H is south direction as per LK). From the 3rd year, his progeny (both male & female) will suffer badly. Even death of progeny is possible. These bad results will be experienced up to the age of planet (Moon or Mars) placed in 8H. 

Say Saturn is placed in 3H & Moon is placed in 10H, it will give bad results for both Saturn & Moon. Wealth will be destroyed. Native may die due to drowning in the well (Moon) of its own house (Saturn). 

Planets of cheat will be 12H & 6H 

Planets of sudden attack will be 1H


The principal of trine houses & 6/8 houses are easily understandable so for rest of the houses, we will focus on planets of cheat & sudden attack 

Planets of cheat will be 1H & 7H

Planets of sudden attack will be 6H & 2H. So when planet is placed in 4H, ideally we do not want any planet in 2H or 6H. 10H planet interaction may behave as per their relationship. 

For example, say Moon is placed in own 4H & its friend Jupiter is placed in 6H. Native will benefit from family business. Someone may keep his expensive belongings with native & may never come back to collect the same. 

When Venus is placed in 4H alone & there is no planet in its houses (2H & 7H), it is not auspicious as it gives two wives but lack of progeny. 

Venus in 4H & Jupiter in 1H gives disputes between spouse & mother-in-law especially Moon is also ill placed. 

Venus in 4H & Mercury in 6H, both Venus & Mercury will give bad results. Native will suffer through spouse (Venus) & daughters (Mercury). This will happen especially when Moon is also ill placed in horoscope. 

In similar condition i.e. Venus in 4H & Mercury in 6H, and when Ketu is ill placed, native will beget male progeny after the age of Mercury i.e. after 34 years. As a remedy, wife of the native should wear silver ring in left hand. Native should wear it in right hand for betterment of daughters. LK takes 6H as left hand & for this reason you will find remedies of planets placed in 6H through left hand. 

When Mars is placed in 4H as malefic Mars & Mercury or Moon is placed in 6H, native may have speech disorder (Mercury) or mother (Moon) will suffer. This will happen especially when Saturn is also conjunct Mars in 4H

An example of planet of cheat. When Mars is placed in 4H & Saturn is placed in 1H, native may be a thief, cheat & suffer from poverty. 

An example of 6/8 position. When Mars is placed in 4H & either of malefic (Paapi - Saturn-Rahu-Ketu) is placed in 9H, family will suffer.     


Planets of cheat will be 2H & 8H

Planets of sudden attack will be only cross house i.e. 7H

For example, When Moon is placed in 5H & Mercury is placed in its permanent house i.e. 7H, Moon will also give very good results for wealth. 

An example of 6/8 position. When Moon is placed in 5H & at the same time any planet (even well placed) is placed in 10H or 12H, it will give inauspicious results. Planet placed in 10H may give its good results but it will spoil results of Moon placed in 5H through 8th aspect. And planet placed in 12H will be spoiled through 8th aspect of Moon but Moon itself will give its good results. 

Saturn placed in 5H generally gives bad results related to male progeny & at times even death especially when Ketu is also ill placed in horoscope. But Saturn will not give bad results for progeny under following conditions 

1) Venus is placed in 7H (the house of cheat) or 12H (6/8 position)   

2) Enemy planets Sun or Moon is placed in 5H, 9H or 10H

3) When Mars or Jupiter is placed in 10H

Still, male progeny born in mentioned conditions will not be beneficial for native. Progeny may steal wealth, gold etc. of family & may sell it at very cheap prices. 

When Saturn is placed in 5H & Mars & Mercury are together or they related through aspect, Saturn will give bad results to planet placed in 2H (the house of cheat) either through snake bite (health issues) or loss of wealth in tis age 36-18-9 years. 

The remedies for ill placed Saturn in 5H are as under 

1) Take 10 numbers whole almonds & go to the temple. Leave 5 almonds in the temple & bring back 5 to home. Keep them at home & do not consume these almonds. Do it for 43 days. This remedy is especially desired when Saturn returns to 5H in Varshphala.

2) At the birth of male progeny, distribute salty items instead of sweets. If you must distribute sweets, donate salty items first before distributing sweets. 

3) Keep articles related to enemy planets (Sun, Moon, Mars) in west direction (10H). Copper, wheat etc. for Sun. Rice, solid silver square piece etc. for Moon. Honey, jaggery, fennel, sharp weapon etc. for Mars. We can also keep items of Jupiter like gold etc. But when Rahu or Ketu is placed in 10H, burn articles related to enemy planets at home. 

4) Remedies of Mercury will also be helpful like serving small girls under puberty by offering some sweets etc. 

5) Do not keep extra hairs on body rather keep your body hair free especially chest, under arm & groin area.  


Planets of cheat will be 9H & 3H

Planets of sudden attack will be only cross house i.e. 4H. So if planet is placed in 6H, there should be ideally no planet in 4H

Example of trine relationship : When Ketu is placed in 6H of debilitation, it gives good results if Jupiter is placed in 2H especially because Jupiter will also aspect Ketu from its permanent house. But if inimical planet is aspecting Ketu from 2H, Ketu related work or articles will give inauspicious results. As a remedy, wear gold ring in left hand. Here the impact of aspect is more dominant than trine placement.

When Ketu is placed in 6H & Moon is aspecting Ketu from its exaltation house i.e. 2H, it will give inauspicious results for maternal uncle & mother. But Ketu will not give bad results for its articles & male progeny. 

When Moon is placed in 6H & Jupiter is aspecting Moon from 2H, Moon will not give bad results. In any case, if Moon is not giving good results, feed milk (Moon) to father (Jupiter). We can also donate milk in temple or we can also donate it to elder most temple priest. 

When Moon is placed in 6H & Mercury is aspecting Moon from 2H or giving retro aspect from 12H, Moon will give bad results. Native may have to wander around for his earnings. Native may commit suicide also but the reason of suicide will not be poverty.

When Moon is placed in 6H & Sun is placed in 12H, native or spouse or both will be one eyed.

When Moon is placed in 6H with Mercury & Mars is placed in 4H or 8H, mother may die in childhood itself. Even if alive, native & his mother will be of no use for each other. Here 4H Mars placement is of sudden attack. Planets placed in 6-8 houses interact with each other & their results get modified due to their relationship or good or bad placement. Another example of such placement is say Moon is placed in 6H & Mars is placed in 6H or 12H & Mercury is placed in 8H, native himself may die early. Native & his mother will be of no use for each other. Whenever Moon is ill placed in 6H, native should never make arrangement for free water for public. This especially apply in Moon's age i.e. 24,12,6 years. If Moon is spoiled through Ketu, it is strictly applicable. One can install well or under ground water arrangement in hospital or cremation ground. One should not drink milk after Sun set. 

When Mercury is placed in 6H & Saturn is placed in 9H, native will marry in wealthy family.  Similar results will be there when Saturn is placed in own 11 house though its 6/8 position.

When Mars is placed in 6H & Ketu is placed in 8H, it will give bad results for male progeny especially when Saturn is also placed in 5H. 

When Mars is placed in 6H & Mercury is placed in 4H, native may die early. Later on parents may also die. When Mercury is in 8H, mother may die in childhood especially when Sun or Moon are not supporting. 

When Saturn is placed in 6H, it gives reverse aspect to 2H & spoils results of planet placed in 2H despite it may be friendly planet. This will happen for sure when Rahu is also placed in 8H. Saturn in 6H is not good placement. Apart from its own dicey results, it for sure spoils good results of Jupiter. But Saturn will not spoil results of planet placed in its own house i.e. 10H. Native should not marry before 28 years else Mercury, Venus & Moon i.e. all three planets will start giving bad results after marriage. But when Rahu is exalted in horoscope i.e. placed in 3H or 6H, bad results will be experienced up to 42 years only. 

When Saturn is placed in 6H & Mars is placed in 2H, Saturn will give reverse aspect to Mars from 6H. It will give bad results related to relative of Mars i.e. elder brother, elder brother of father & elder brother of mother. Native should not associate with them. This combination will give adverse results for eye sight also. In this combination, if Rahu is also placed in 1H, maternal uncle will become blind at the half age of Rahu i.e. 21 years. 

When Saturn is placed in 6H & Venus or Moon is placed in 2H, Saturn will act like highly poisonous snake & will give all types of obstacles, wealth loss, health issues for Moon (mother) or Venus (spouse). One should not leave articles related to Venus or Moon inside the temple. But worshiping deity with articles related to Moon or Venus is not prohibited. The malefic effects of this placement will intense when Rahu is also placed in 8H or ill placed in horoscope. As a remedy, take a round mud pot & fill it with mustard oil. Cover it with mud lid & seal it with mud. Bury the pot in some pond river bank so that it is not visible. When 2H has no planet, Saturn is considered blind during the night time. In this case, if native may to perform any work related to Saturn or articles of Saturn, one can do it in the night time during Krishna paksha like Amavasya etc. when Moon is not visible. For health, keep complete black male pet dog. For business, perform remedies of Mercury like serving small girls under puberty or serving goats or donating female goat. One should avoid leather goods like leather shoes & iron articles for self & kids.     

When Venus is placed in its debilitation house i.e. 6H, it gives inauspicious results related to married life & native may be of loose character. But if Moon is well placed in horoscope, than these results may not apply. The negative results of Venus may be reversed if 2H or 8H has inimical planets or 2H or 8H has ill placed planets. Now Venus will give results like placed in exalted 12H. But impact of Venus related to gains through government will still remain negative.        

When Venus is placed in 6H & Sun or Jupiter is conjunct Venus or Jupiter is aspecting from 2H or there is any planet in 12H under aspect of Venus, native or his parents will be wealthy. 

When is placed in 6H, one should not marry to single child of parents (applies both to male & female). Spouse should have at least one brother (Mars)

When Venus is placed in 6H, it will be counted as debilitated planet for the native. But say, Mars is placed in 12H under the aspect of Venus which is the house of exaltation of Venus. So in this case, we will say that for Mars (brother), Venus will be counted like an exalted planet. 

When Sun is placed in 6H under aspect of friendly planet from 2H, it will give auspicious results.

When Sun is placed in 6H & Mars is placed in 10H, male children will die one after the other & native may suffer from high blood pressure. Actually, there is special rule in LK in regards to interaction of planets of 10H & 6H. Despite trine placement, it may not give auspicious results. 

When Sun is placed in 6H & Saturn or Rahu is placed in permanent house of Sun i.e. 1H, native will have eclipsed fortune. Parents may suffer after the birth of native. 

When Sun is placed in 6H under aspect of Rahu from 2H & Saturn is also placed in 8H, it will give results like an eclipse yoga. Native will suffer on account of health as well career. As a remedy, bring some articles to home donated by people inside the temple. Avoid bringing articles related to Saturn & Rahu. We can bring articles related to friendly planets like rice, chana dal, silver, gold, honey etc. 


Planets of cheat will be 4H & 10H. Just to repeat, planets of 7H can impact planets of 4H & planets of 10H can impact planets of 7H

Planets of sudden attack will be 5H & 9H. So when there is a planet in 7H, ideally there should be no planet in 5H or 9H. But interaction with planets of 1H will depend on their mutual relationship. 

Mercury in 7H will generally give good results provided Mars does not interact with Mercury from 1H or 7H or 8H. 

When Mercury is placed in its permanent house i.e. 7H & at the same time Moon is placed in 1H, native will earn good wealth through overseas travel. 

When Mercury is placed in 7H & Saturn is placed in 3H, native in-laws will become wealthy after marriage. 

When Mercury is placed in 7H & there is any planet (friendly or inimical) in 1H & 10H, they will not give bad results for native despite relative of that planets may fight with each other or with relative of Mercury.

When Mercury is placed in 7H under aspect of Ketu from 1H, bad effects will be seen through sister of wife i.e. sister-in-law ruled by Mercury. She will join hands with brother of native to spoil Venus (spouse) & marital life.    

When Mercury is placed in its permanent house i.e. 7H & Jupiter is placed in its own house i.e. 9H & despite both are well placed in their houses, they will behave like planets of sudden attack. It will spoil marital happiness despite Venus may be well placed. It will also spoil own business also.   

When Jupiter is placed in 7H in male horoscope, it is not considered auspicious for wealth, marital & male progeny especially up to the age of Mercury i.e. 34 years. Jupiter in 7H signifies adopted child. 

When Jupiter is placed in 7H & Saturn is placed in 9H (or 7H), native will have progress of family & wealth but the condition is that native should be of Saturn's nature i.e. cunning, clever, practical etc. 

When Jupiter is placed in 7H under aspect of Sun from 1H, native will be a good Astrologer & performer of religious deeds. Native will be fond of living comfortable life instead of hard work. It may or may not promise wealth aspects. 

When Jupiter is placed in 7H & Saturn is placed in 2H or 12H, native will crave for male progeny but may beget male progeny in 45th year. And after the birth of male child, native will get destroyed. If Saturn is placed in 6H which spoils results of Jupiter, expect similar results. Even Mercury placed in 2H or 12H (6H also), expect similar results. If native adopts a male child, that male child will suffer. 

When Jupiter is placed in 7H & Saturn or Mercury is ill placed in 9H, native will suffer on account of speech disorder, longevity, fortune etc. Mercury in 9H indicates that there is some divine secret in the birth of the native.

When Mars is placed in 7H, it can give good results provided Mercury is not interacting with Mars from 1H or 7H or 8H

When Mars is placed in 7H under the aspect of Jupiter or Venus from 1H, native will be very wealthy having all luxuries, properties etc. His sincere desires will be fulfilled at least once in life.

When Mars is placed in 7H & Saturn or Mercury is placed in 6H or 7H, native may die while saving someone's life. But he will look after his family sincerely. As a remedy, serve nephew (son of brother)

When Rahu is placed in 7H & the lord of 7H i.e. Venus & permanent lord i.e. Mercury are placed in 11H, native will be very wealthy. Expect similar results when they are placed in 2H despite 6/8 position. 

When Rahu is placed in 7H & Saturn or Mars or both are placed in 5H, native will beget second male progeny (seen from 7H as per LK) during Rahu's age i.e. 42 years. 

When Rahu is placed in 7H & Saturn or Mercury is placed in 11H, relatives or work or articles related to the two planets will spoil native's wealth. During Varshphala, when Rahu is placed in 7H & Ketu is placed in 11H, expect similar results in that year. 

When Saturn is placed in 7H & its friendly planets (Venus, Mercury, Rahu) are placed in 3-7-11-5 houses, native will get good results from all the planets. But work or relative related to Saturn will destroy native's wealth. Mercury alone in 11H will make the native wealthy. 

When Saturn is placed in 7H & at the same time inimical planets (Sun, Moon, Mars) are placed in 3-5-7-10 houses, it will give adverse results related to property, longevity, wealth, gold, father etc. 

When Venus is placed in 7H & Moon is placed in 4H alone, native will have capacity to control his sexual urge & may not be interested is sex life. 

When Venus is placed in 7H & Sun is placed in 8H, wife may die one after the other especially when Sun light comes in house from roof. Expect similar results when Mercury is placed alone in 8H. 

When Venus is placed in 7H & Rahu is placed in 8H, wife of the native will suffer. Blue color (ruled by Rahu) will be inauspicious for wife throughout life. 

When Venus is placed in 7H & its inimical planets are placed in 4H, Venus will give bad results. Native will suffer due to his selfish nature & may be deprived from ancestral wealth. 

When Venus is placed in 7H & Saturn is placed in 6H, it will give sex disease or heart disease to spouse.    

When Sun is placed in 7H & Saturn or Ketu is placed in 2H, native will get less happiness of marital life & spouse. Native may have to take responsibility of some other female & her family.   

When Sun is placed in 7H & its friendly planet (Jupiter, Mars, Moon) is placed in 2H, native will be equivalent to a minister. 



Planets of cheat are understandable. Planets of sudden attack will be from only cross house i.e. 10H. When 8H is bad due to placement of planets, planet of 10H will give malefic results of double intensity. But if 8H has good planets, planet of 10H can give benefic results of double intensity. This is an exception in the rule of sudden attack planets.


When Jupiter is placed in 8H & Venus is placed in 2H or 6H or with Jupiter in 8H, native will for sure beget male progeny. 

When Jupiter is placed in 8H & Mars is placed in 2H, native will have capacity to donate even his gold. Native will be spiritual & religious will be very kind to others

When Jupiter is placed in 8H & Saturn is placed in 4H, despite of trine position, it will give poverty & deaths in family. 

When Jupiter is placed in 8H & 12H is vacant, native will have problems related to low blood count, health & wealth

When Moon is placed in 8H & 2H is vacant & 11H has inimical planet, native will suffer on account of wealth & his mother will also suffer

When Moon is placed in 8H & Mercury is placed in 2H, native will suffer on account of wealth & may even become bankrupt depending upon other planetary combinations

When Moon is placed in 8H & 2H has Jupiter + Rahu or Mercury + Jupiter, native will suffer due to his foolishness related to Venus & Moon. But there will be not troubles through nature. 

When Moon is placed in 8H & Mercury is placed in 4H or 12H OR Saturn + Rahu is placed in 12H OR 1H has inimical planet OR inimical planet is conjunct Moon in 6H. Under any of the mentioned conditions, native will suffer on account of progeny, eyes, career & health. When Mercury is involved, native may be deprived of wealth till 34 years. As a remedy, pierce bottom tip of nose & wear silver in it. 

Mercury in 8H alone gives inauspicious results & is considered bad for longevity & maximum longevity is generally 8 X 8 i.e. 64 years. If Mercury gets support of male planet through 7H & 8H, Mercury will not give bad results. Even Mars (who is inimical to Mercury) conjunct Mercury in 8H will give good results. The fear is from Mercury that it should not be alone in 8H

When Mercury is placed in 8H & Mars is in 12H, Mercury inauspicious results remain under control

When Mercury is placed in 8H & 4H has well placed planet like exalted Jupiter or well placed Moon etc., Mercury's inauspicious results will be restricted up to 34 years. 

When Mercury is placed in 8H & 2H has any planet, it will adversely impact father of the native. These results are similar for Mercury ill placed in 2H. Father's wealth & longevity will be under threat in the age of Jupiter i.e. 16 years to 21 years. But if 2H is vacant & Mercury is not supported through either of the mentioned rules, Mercury will give very bad results especially up to 34 years. There will be fear of death. Mercury will join hands with debilitated planet of the horoscope to give adverse results. 

Mercury remedies must be performed to protect the native. One should not perform complete renovation of stairs (Mercury). Do not change the place of home temple. Whenever Mercury returns to 8H in Varhsphala,  perform these remedies  in between 34 days before the start of new year & up to 34 days after the start of new year. Take round mud pot & fill it with honey or jaggery. Cover it with mud lid & bury at some deserted place. Second remedy is take a round copper pot. Fill it with green whole pulse & cover it with copper lid & seal it with copper. Put it in flowing river or sewer. Repeat after the start of new year with 34 days. Doing once (in either of 34 days slot) will be auspicious but doing it twice is more auspicious. Do not wear silk or velvet or shining red color & daughter should also not wear it. 

LK suggests another remedy when 2H has a planet. For example, say Moon is placed in 2H & Mercury is placed in 8H. During Varshphala when Mercury returns to 8H, check if any planet has come to 2H during that Varshphala. Say Ketu has come to the 2H. In this case, we have to take articles of planet placed in 2H in natal chart & donate them to planet of Varshphala in 2H. In our case, it was Moon who is placed in 2H so we can take articles related to Moon i.e. condensed milk (without sugar) & offer them to Ketu i.e. dogs etc. But if 2H of natal chart was vacant, perform remedies of the planet which has come to the 2H in Varshphala. We can put the mentioned articles in river / sewer also if feeding was not possible. 

Let us take one more example. Say Mercury is placed in 8H & Saturn is placed in 2H. During Varshphala, say Sun comes to 2H & Mercury to 8H. Now offer articles related to Saturn (black whole Urad dal, mustard oil, wine, cigarette etc. to Sun (i.e. monkey, brown ants, brown buffalo, government officer etc.). If no planet comes to 2H in Varshphala, than perform the mud pot / copper remedy as mentioned above. 

When Mars is placed in 8H, 2H should either have friendly planet or be vacant to get auspicious effects. If Mercury + Ketu are placed in 2H, it gives fear of death to younger brother. If he manages to save his life, he may suffer on account of blood or arms. 

When Rahu is placed in 8H, it has tendency to give bad results. But bad effects of Rahu can be controlled through Mars & Moon. As per LK, Rahu is elephant. Mars is mahout who can control elephant. 12H is the permanent house of Rahu. So if Mars is placed in 12H, Rahu will not be able to do mischief. 

When Saturn is placed in 8H & 12H is vacant, native will suffer from poverty throughout life. Native will suffer on account of eye sight in old age. There is saying in Astrology that Saturn in 8H ensures quantity of life but not quality of life. There is rule to determine good or bad Saturn in horoscope. If Ketu is placed in previous i.e. from 1H to 6H, Saturn generally gives good results. Remedies for ill placed Saturn in 8H is avoid making house till 48 years. Do not make arrangement of free stay for public like dharamshala etc. 

When Venus is placed in 8H, 2H should not be vacant 

When Sun is placed in 8H, 1H should have only friendly planet. 

When Sun is in 8H & Saturn is placed in 3H, it will give inauspicious results for wealth & longevity. This will especially happen when Jupiter is also ill placed in 1H or 5H. As remedy, do not stay in south facing house, do not feed white cows & serve elder brother.  

When Sun is placed in 8H & Venus is placed in 10H, native will suffer from poverty. 


Planets of sudden attack is only cross house i.e. 7H

When Jupiter is placed in 9H, we expect well placed planets in 3H & 5H for native to be wealthy. If both are vacant, native will have to do lot of hard work to earn wealth but will eventually become wealthy

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & Mercury is placed in 4H or 5H, native will be a yogi despite like a king

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & Saturn is placed in 5H aspecting Jupiter, native may be very wealthy especially during 33 to 39 years but may suffer on account of male progeny.    

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & both Moon & Venus are placed in 3H or 5H, native will have fluctuating fortune. He will be sometime rich & sometime poor

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & male planets (Sun, Mars) are placed in 3H or 5H, Jupiter will give three times benefic results. Male planets will also give very good results. Native will be very wealth like millionaire. 

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & 1H is vacant, native may health issues & heart disease.

When Jupiter is placed in 9H & 5H has ill placed inimical planets like Mercury, Venus, Rahu (ill placed Saturn is also included), native will be selfish, self obsessed & non religious. Native will suffer due to his progeny & may even die due to sorrow of progeny.     

When Ketu is placed in its exaltation house i.e. 9H, any planet placed in 2H will give good results. 

When Ketu is placed in 9H & there is a planet in 7H, Ketu will give moderate results & its best results only after the age of that planet. 

When Ketu is placed in 9H & inimical planets (Moon or Mars) are placed in 3H, Ketu (male progeny) may die

When Moon is placed in 9H, it gives protection to 5H i.e. male progeny

When Moon is placed in 9H & 5H has friendly planet, it will give good results for progeny & spirituality. 

5H aspects 9H. But when Moon is placed in 9H & inimical planets are placed in 5H, Moon will protect 5H for progeny. We will have to conclude results of planets in 5H as if they were placed in 9H. Similarly, assume Moon in 5H. 

When Moon is placed in 9H & 3H has friendly planet, native will be wealthy

When Moon is placed in 9H & related to Jupiter, planets of 3H & 5H will be under control of Moon irrespective of friendly or inimical. Native might have born in ordinary family but will eventually become very rich 

When Moon is placed in 9H & Ketu is placed in 2H & Mercury is placed in 5H, native will suffer from poverty. Financial conditions will improve to some extent after the age of Mercury i.e. 34 years & further improvement  after Ketu age i.e. 48 years. Till the mentioned ages, relative or work or articles related to Moon will give give no benefic effects. But it is not mandatory that Moon related will give losses. 

When Moon is placed in 9H & Venus is aspecting from 3H, mother's eye sight will suffer in Venus (25) & Moon (24) age. 

When Mercury is placed in 9H, it is not considered auspicious in general. To determine how Mercury will give its results, we need to look at 11H. If 11H is vacant, Mercury will behave like a shameless girl who will not mind having sex with her own father.

When Moon is placed in either of 1-3-6-7-9-11 houses, it will save from bad results of Mercury placed in 9H. As a remedy, wash the new clothing with Ganga Jal or sprinkle Ganga jal before wearing it. Wear only in day time. 

When Mercury is placed in 9H conjunct Mars, it will give very bad results for both Mars & Mercury & Mars will act like Mars malefic (Mangal bd). The ages of both Mars & Mercury i.e. 34-28-17-15-13-4-1 will be inauspicious & even these days of any month may be inauspicious for longevity. Nose piercing will be must for the native. Articles related to Moon & Jupiter will be useful for native. Green color will be highly inauspicious. 

Mercury is the most feared planet in LK. When Mercury is placed in any house & lord of that house is placed in 9H, Mercury makes that planet ineffective. It means that do not expect any good results from that planet. Let us understand this principal through examples

When Mercury is placed in 1H or 8H & at the same time Mars is placed in 9H, Mars will not give any benefic results. 

When Mercury is placed in 2H or 7H, Venus will be ineffective in 9H (2H is possible only in Varshphala)

Similarly, Mercury in 10-11 house & Saturn in 9H, Mercury in 9-12 house & Jupiter in 9H, Mercury in 4H & Moon in 9H & Mercury in 5H & Sun in 9H (possible in Varshphala)

When Mercury is placed in 9H & Moon or Ketu is placed in 11H, native will be a cheat & fraud. 

When Mercury is placed in 9H & Jupiter alone is placed in either of 6-8-10-11 house, native will suffer on account of longevity. Native may have maximum life of 8 X 8 = 64 years. There will be fear of health loss every 8th year i.e. 8,16,24,32 etc. This may happen despite the lord of longevity i.e. Moon is well placed in horoscope. If native may have longevity due to other planetary positions, native may suffer on account of wife & male progeny. 

When Mercury is placed in 9H & Moon or Jupiter or both are placed in 3H, 6H, 7H, native may have long life but native will suffer on account of marital & progeny. 

When Mercury is placed in 9H & 1H is vacant, it will be inauspicious for health. Native may have slightly greenish nails. 

When Mercury is alone in 9H, native will be disloyal. 

When Mercury of 9H comes to 11H in Varshphala & native accepts some talisman etc. or similar article ruled by Mercury, it will destroy the native. The malefic effects will be seen within 17/34 days.

When Mars is placed in 9H & Venus or Moon are related to Mars through aspect, conjunction etc., both Moon & Venus will give good results. 

When Rahu is placed in 9H & Jupiter is placed 5H or 11H, native will be a psychiatrist but dishonest, greedy & with no morals or ideals. 

When Rahu is placed in 9H & 1H is vacant, native will suffer on account of health & social disrespect. 

Ill placed Rahu in 9H generally kills male progeny in womb itself or immediately after birth. Ill placed Saturn in 5H is also inauspicious for male progeny. If both combinations are present, native will not beget any male progeny so no male child will die. 

When Venus is placed in 9H, it makes Mars malefic (Mangal bd). Actually, Venus is pure ghee & Mars is honey. Both are good for health. But if they are mixed with inappropriate quantities (say almost equal), it makes a poison. As a remedy keep articles related to Moon & Mars at home. 

When Venus is placed in 9H & 4H is ill placed or 4H has inimical planets in it, wealth of native will be destroyed whenever 4H planet will come to 1H in Varshphala. Remove that planet from 4H in that Varshphala by performing its remedies. 

When Venus is placed in 9H & Moon is placed in 7H, it will give adverse results for spouse, progeny & wealth. Expect similar results when Moon is ill placed in horoscope in any other house.

When Moon is placed in 9H & 1H is vacant, native will suffer from blood related diseases. 

When Jupiter is related to Venus placed in 9H, it will give bad results related to progeny, social relationship & career. Expect similar results when Jupiter is ill placed in any house in horoscope.

When Sun is placed in 9H & also related to friendly planet, native himself as well his elders like father, grand father etc. will have long life. Native should not accept free articles especially silver. 

When Sun is placed in 9H & Rahu is placed in 1H or 3H or 5H, native will have either very hot temperament or very soft temperament & both cases will be cause of destruction. Native will not follow religion & may always look for freebee to manage his life. Native should learn to behave as a normal human being & stop accepting free articles. 


Planets of sudden attack are from 12H & 8H. Interaction with 4H planets will depend on their mutual relationship


10H planets will be considered active if 2H has any planet.

Jupiter in 10H is in its debilitation house so native should not have nature & personality similar to Jupiter (over kind etc.) else native may suffer. Native should clean his nose every day

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Sun is placed in 4H, Jupiter will not give results of its debilitation rather Jupiter will give good results because Jupiter is under aspect & support of its friendly planet. Any bad effects will be faced by grand father instead of father & this may also happen when Sun is placed in 5H. Sun in 5H will also kill wives one after the other or wife may give birth to a child & later die or run away.  

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Mars is placed in 4H, Jupiter will give good results

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Venus is placed in 10H, native will earn good wealth through Venus. Native may have two or more legal wives but native should not form illicit relationship as it will harm the native. 

When Jupiter is placed in 10H opposite to 4H, happiness on account of mother will depend on good or bad placement of Saturn. When Saturn is well placed, native's fortune will rise between 33 to 39 years. In the same condition, if 2H is also vacant, native will suffer on account of poverty & disrespect. 

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & 2H is vacant, native will suffer on account of poverty. But native will be God fearing & will have sound health.

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & 2H, 4H, 5H & 6H (all 4 houses) are vacant, native will be unfortunate & may have to live alone in life. Native will get no support from people of his similar age. He must work hard to earn some wealth.     

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 2H (under exchange), native will be happy on account of family & wealth. 

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Sun or Moon is placed in 2H, native will earn good wealth through travelling. 

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 1H or 4H or with Jupiter in 10H, native will suffer due to his over kind nature. When ever native will help others like poor, he himself will suffer. He may be arrested in allegation of giving poison. Expect similar results when Moon is placed in 4H. 

When Jupiter is placed in 10H & Mercury is placed in 4H or 9H or with Jupiter in 10H, it will give inauspicious results for father. Father may suffer from poverty & may even die in native's young age due to blood poisoning. Native may show off others but internally he will have little wealth & by the age of 34 years, native will be completely poor like a bankrupt. 

When Ketu is placed in 10H, native should forgive his brother for his mistakes & blunders. It will make the native prosper in life. 

When Ketu is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 6H, native will be a famous sports person. But he may have loose morals.

When Ketu is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 4H, native will be wealthy. But male progeny may die & it is possible that 3 male children may die. Remedy for bad Ketu in 8H or 10H is to donate black & white blanket in temple preferably on Saturday. Donate 8 or 10 blankets as per placement. 

When Moon is well placed in 10H, malefic (Paapi) planets of 5H will not give bad results. To improve fortune, it will be auspicious to activate 2H i.e. visit temple every day. One should completely avoid illicit relationship. 

When Moon is placed in 10H & 4H has male planets, native may be very wealthy & a surgeon. 

When Moon is placed in 10H & Venus is placed in 1H, native may have happiness of father for long time but native will have the financial burden of some female or widow. Expect similar results when Saturn is placed in 4H.

When Moon is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 1H or 4H, work related to Saturn will be auspicious. Native will earn wealth through fraudulent activities & cheating others. Parental happiness will be there. But native will suffer loss of wealth through some female or widow or call girls.

When Moon is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 3H, native may be thief or robber but still suffer on account of wealth.

When Moon is placed in 10H & malefic (Paapi - Saturn, Rahu, Ketu) planet is placed in 4H & Venus is placed in 7H, mother's longevity will be under threat & male progeny may die. 

When Moon is placed in 10H & 2H & 3H has malefic planet, Moon will give bad results for its significations (wealth, mother, happiness etc.) 

When Moon is placed in 10H & 3H is ill placed or 3H has inimical planets, people around him will suffer. Native should never consume liquid medicines. 

When Moon is ill placed in 10H & there is any planet in 5H or 6H, native will start suffering immediately after Moon related articles are brought home. 

When Moon is ill placed in 10H & 5H & 8H has inimical planets, articles related to Moon will give inauspicious results. 

When Moon is placed in 10H & Saturn-Mercury-Moon are related to each other, all three planets will give bad results & native will be unfortunate. 

When Moon is placed in 10H & 2H is vacant, native will suffer from respiratory & chest disease.

When Moon is placed in 10H & Mars is placed in 7H & Saturn is placed in next house from Sun, native may have some non working (or paralyzed somewhat similar to polio attack) external body part. 

When Mercury is placed in 10H & lord of 10H is well placed in horoscope, native will be expert in spooning or sycophancy or flattery. 

When Mercury is placed in 10H & Moon is placed in either of 1H, 3H, 4H, 5H, native may have properties & up to 3 properties. Native may deal in weapons. Males of family will lead good life but females & children will suffer.

When Mercury is placed in 10H & 2H is vacant, native will earn good wealth through overseas travel. Native will be skilled & talented. If 2H has friendly planet, Mercury will give double benefic results. 

When Mercury is placed in 10H & 8H has ill placed planets, Mercury will give two fold  inauspicious results. Native will suffer from extreme sorrow. One must perform remedies of ill placed planet in 8H. For example, for Ketu, donate 8 white & black blankets in temple; for Rahu, donate 4 Nariyal; for Moon, keep underground water at home brought from some cremation ground etc. 

When Mars is placed in its exaltation house i.e. 10H, it generally gives good results especially when Saturn is well placed. One of his brother especially elder brother will be the foundation of success & prosperity.

When Mars is placed in 10H & Moon is placed in 4H, native will have very successful career, good family, wealth, progeny etc. He will lead happy life like honey (Mars) in milk (Moon).    

 When Mars is well placed in 10H & well placed Saturn is related to Mars, native will be very clever & highly successful. 

When Mars is placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 3H, native will have good family, properties etc. but Saturn results of 3H will be clearly visible i.e. native will suffer on account of liquid money. 

When Mars is placed in 10H & 5H is vacant, it will be very auspicious

When Mars in 10H is not related to any planet, it will be considered auspicious.

When Mars is placed in 10H & 2H has Venus or Moon or malefic, native will beget male progeny late in life. 

When Mars is placed in 10H & Sun is placed in 4H or Moon is placed in 6H, native will loose one of his eyes if he starts living at maternal uncle's house. 

When Mars is placed in 10H & Sun is placed in 6H, male child will die one after the other

When Mars is ill placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 4H, native will suffer punishment despite not done any crime. 

When Mars is placed in 10H & there is aplent in 5H, relative of that planet will suffer badly but native himself will not get any bad results. It is suggested that relative of that planet should stay away from the native.    

When Rahu is placed in 10H & Saturn is also well placed in horoscope, Rahu will give two fold results for wealth. Native will be highly successful in business & will have long life. He will defeat his competition. 

When Rahu is conjunct either of its enemies (Sun, Mars, Venus) in 10H, both the planets will behave like blind planets & native will suffer in his career as native will try to destroy his own well wishers

When Rahu is placed in 10H & Moon is placed in 4H, native will be clouded by strange thoughts. There will be fear of sudden head injury & eye sight. Native may face sudden wealth loss, It is also possible that someone may chop off his head. Mars remedies will be helpful. 

When Rahu is placed in 10H & Mars is benefic & well placed in horoscope, Rahu will not be able to give its malefic results with high intensity.

When Saturn is placed in 10H & there is a planet well placed in 1H, Saturn will give two fold benefic results. In the opposite case, two fold malefic results. 

When Saturn is placed in 10H & at the same time, Moon is placed in 1H & Jupiter is placed in 4H, native will have all types of luxuries, Vehicles etc. 

When Saturn is placed in 10H & 2H is vacant, Saturn despite in sleeping state will give good results. 

When Saturn is conjunct either of enemies (Sun, Mars, Moon) in 10H, both planets will give results like blind planets.

When Saturn is placed in 10H & 4H has enemies or 4H is ill placed for any reason, native may kill someone through weapons which will result in to wealth loss. Jupiter remedies will be helpful. 

When Venus is placed in 10H, native may be fond of women & may be interested in others wives. Such nature will destroy good results of Mars & Moon also. 

When Venus placed in 10H is related to Saturn or Saturn is placed in 1H, it will give good results for family & wealth. Native will have nature like Saturn. Native will not involve in bad deeds related to Saturn like drinking, smoking etc. 

When Venus is placed in 10H & 4H is vacant, Venus will give good results like Saturn. Native himself may be slim but his wife will be overweight. But native (male of female) will have capacity to trap other's spouse.

When Venus is placed in 10H & there is a planet in 1H or 5H, native will live comfortable life throughout especially young age. Native will be successful in love affairs. 

When Venus is placed in 10H & Moon alone is placed in 2H or 4H or 7H, it will give overall good results & prosperity. 

When Venus is ill placed in 10H & Saturn is placed in 5H, there will be fear of snake bite or poison (Saturn) for wife (Venus) or eye problems (Saturn) for wife (Venus). As a remedy, serve female goat (Mercury). 

When Sun is placed in 10H, it is not so auspicious but well placed Sun will give social respect & wealth & but makes the native will suffer from delusion or suspicion. As a remedy, native may wear turban or cap of light color like white or gold color etc. avoiding black & blue color.

When Sun is placed in 10H & 5H & 6H has ill placed planet & Moon is also ill placed in horoscope & male planets (Mars or Jupiter) are not supporting Sun, native may suffer from health issues, progeny & may have short life. 

When Sun is placed in 10H & Moon is placed in 5H & male planets are not supporting, native may have short life. LK states that longevity may be 12 days only.

When Sun is in 10H & Moon is placed in 4H, native will have good career prospects but good results of Moon will be destroyed. Even Jupiter may also not give its good results.

When Sun is placed in 10H & Moon is placed in its exaltation house i.e. 2H, it makes the native wealthy & successful in career. But mother of the native may suffer in 24th year or may even die.

When Sun is placed in 10H & 6H or 7H has any planet, native & his father will suffer till 34 years of age. Native will suffer on account of wealth, career progeny, lack of happiness etc. But afterwards, he will suddenly rise in his life & live happily. 

When Sun is placed in 10H & 4H is vacant, Sun will be in sleeping state & native fortune & career will rise after 22 years. To activate Sun before the age of 22 years, it will be auspicious to put copper coins in river / sewer for 40 - 43 days


Planets of sudden attack will be from only cross house i.e. from 1H  


When Jupiter is placed in 11H & 3H is  vacant, Jupiter will be in sleeping state & its results will depend on good or bad placement of Saturn. But for native, it will still be auspicious. Native may be tall & kind at heart & religious. 

When friendly planet is placed in 3H (Moon, Sun, Mars), native will get good results but only up to 23 years. Afterwards, it is strongly desired to establish Jupiter at home. Mars in 3H may give deaths in family.

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & friendly planet is placed in 5H, native fortune will rise through his own relative. The good results will continue for at least 12 years. 

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & Sun is placed in 1H or 4H or 5H, native will earn plenty of wealth in his career & fire related work will also give similar results. If there will be any bad results, it will be faced by grand father instead father (similar to Jupiter in 10H with Sun in 4H).

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & Rahu is placed in Jupiter's house i.e. 9H, Jupiter will behave like a silent planet (not giving its good results). 

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & Mercury is placed in 6H or otherwise well placed in horoscope, native will get wealth only through his own hard work & efforts. 

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & related to Saturn or Saturn is placed in 10H & Mercury is placed in 2H, Saturn & Jupiter will give good results. 

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & Mercury is placed in 6H under aspect of Moon from 2H, native may have long life but will suffer in old age. Eye sight may become weak & Saturn may also give inauspicious results. 

When Jupiter is placed in 11H & Mercury is aspecting from 3H, native may remain under debts despite of good income. Native will remain unhappy on account of his father. 

When Ketu is placed in 11H, Mercury should never be placed in 3H. Rather we would like to state that when Mercury is ill placed in 3H, there should be no planet in 11H & 9H as both will suffer

When Ketu is placed in 11H & Saturn is placed in 11H, Ketu can give 11 times benefic results for wealth especially when Ketu will come to lagna in Varshphala (11-23-36-48) provided male planets / female planets are ill placed. 

When Ketu is placed in 11H & Mercury is placed in 3H, Ketu will give inauspicious results for its significations & Moon will also give inauspicious results in 5-11-23-36-48 years. 

When Ketu is placed in 11H & Saturn is ill placed in male horoscope, native will be unhappy on account of property & male progeny. 

When Ketu is placed in 11H & Jupiter is placed in 5H & native starts earning money through donations in the name of religion, native will have still (dead) male progeny. Native himself may die at some place away from relatives where there will be no one to offer even last clothing.

As a remedy, keep white articles of Saturn like radish with leaves overnight pillow side where native sleeps & donate it in temple next morning. Do it for 40-43 days. We can take three numbers of almost equal size. Alternatively, if native can afford, we can take 11 numbers with leaves of almost equal size. When native is about to leave for some important work & someone calls from behind, it will be indication of failure. Postpone for at least 11 minutes & than leave the house again for important work. 

When Moon is placed in 11H & Sun + Mercury are placed in Moon's house i.e. 4H, native will have good earnings. 

When Moon is placed in 11H & Mercury is placed in 5H, native will get good results related to relatives & longevity.

When Moon is placed in 11H & it returns to 1H or 2H in Varshphala, native will earn plenty of wealth. 

When Moon is placed in 11H & Saturn is placed in 3H, it will give inauspicious results for mother in childhood or in Moon's age or in Saturn's age. Mother of the native may suffer on account of health & wealth & it is possible that she may die. 

When Moon is placed in 11H & 3H has ill placed planet, native will suffer in childhood & below mentioned five events will give bad results 

1) birth of sister or connection with Mercury related articles or work : week day of concern for mentioned events is Wednesday.

2) Marriage of native or any blood relative : Friday

3) Making or buying or renovating property : Saturday

4) Giving or taking wealth or Ketu related articles or work : appx. 2 hours before Sun rise up to Sun rise is the period ruled by Ketu. This will apply to all week days & especially to Sunday

5) Listening to preachings of Guru or Jupiter related : the period of dusk starting from the time of Sun set until any star is visible before dark. 

LK states that when Ketu is placed in 11H, it spoils results of Moon & when Moon is placed in 11H, it spoils results of Ketu. 

When Moon is ill placed in 11H, Ketu will give bad results. Mother of the native i.e. Moon & male child of the native i.e. Ketu will have fight with each other. In other words, it will be called as fight between grand mother & grand son. As long mother is alive, native may not beget male progeny. If mother has long life, native may not beget male progeny as long his mother is alive. In case, male progeny is born & native's mother is living along with native, either male progeny will suffer or mother will suffer. If mother of the native becomes widow or blind, than male child may not suffer. Mother may die before the age of 12 years of male progeny. The maximum possibility is that she may survive but not beyond the age of Saturn. As a remedy, mother should was her head & eyes with milk. Donate milk at Bhairo (Saturn) temple. 

When Moon is ill placed in 11H, Ketu (penis & capacity to perform sex) is considered weak. Top remove this weakness, before having sex, take milk & dip red hot (Mars) gold pin (Jupiter) in milk (Moon). Repeat it 11 times & drink the milk. In case milk is prohibited for native, we can alternatively take water instead of milk. Consult Ayurvedic doctor & take medicines have gold traces in it. When Jupiter & Moon are together, they have capacity to defeat their enemies.

Another remedy for protection of mother & child. Mother or native's wife should go away from each other before the birth of male progeny. Mother should not see her grand son for at least 43 days. This applies for female horoscope also i.e. mother of wife should perform remedy similarly.  

Another remedy is to donate 11 X 11 = 121 sweatless condensed milk cake pieces to children. Or we can take 11 litres of milk. We can put 11 litres of milk in flowing river. 

When Mercury is placed in 11H, it gives good results only after 34 years. Wearing diamond after 34 years will be helpful. 

When Mercury is placed in 11H & 2H is vacant, native will be skilled & talented.

When Mercury is placed in 11H & Jupiter or Moon is placed in 7H & 2H is vacant ;

or 3H is ill placed, native will get lot of wealth when Mercury will come to 1H in Varshphala.

As a remedy for prevention of wealth loss due to own foolishness, wear copper coin around the neck.

When Mars is placed in 11H, number of brothers will depend on placement of Jupiter in horoscope. From 1H to 9H, native may have 1 to 9 brothers. Jupiter in 11H gives two brothers including native. Jupiter in 12H gives no brother.

When Mars is placed in 11H & 3H is vacant or ill placed, native will be unfortunate. Native may remain under debts despite good income. Native may not prosper until he sells off ancestral property. As a remedy, keep hone pot at home & serve three dogs of this world or dogs in general.

When Rahu is placed in 11H, it generally gives inauspicious results for father but native may be wealthy. Wear gold in case living away from father or after death of father. When Saturn is placed in 3H or 5H, native will be like a yogi & his father will also not suffer. 

When Rahu is placed in 11H & Saturn is placed in 1H or 3H, native will never ask for wealth from parents. Native will become wealthy & fortunate through own efforts & will never cheat anyone. 

When Rahu is ill placed in 11H, it will give results similar to Mars malefic. Native with malefic Mars take birth in well to do & wealthy family but to only destroy his family happiness & wealth. Similarly native with malefic Rahu in 11H takes birth with same intentions. After the birth of native, all saved wealth will lost on wasteful expenses or medical bills or due to theft. There will be incidents of fire or snake bite in family. There will be serious misunderstanding with immediate boss for unknown reasons. Planets placed in 2H & 2H (in-laws) will also suffer on account of wealth & most of the wealth be lost by 36 years. Father (Jupiter) or Jupiter related work may die / destroy due to gun shot or in some accident by 11th year.  Native will be cheated by others & people will not return his borrowed money as they may either run away or die. 

Ill placed Rahu in 11H generally gives bad results for father, father-in-law or maternal grand father for wealth, longevity & general happiness. But if Jupiter is well placed in horoscope & under support of its friends & Jupiter is indicating longevity for father, than the results will be reversed. All mentioned bad results will now be faced by native himself like longevity, loss of wealth, loosing eye sight or any limb etc. Instead of father (Jupiter), father-in-law or maternal grand father ruled by Rahu will suffer. 

Ill placed Rahu leads to fight between grand father & grand son similar to Moon-Ketu fight. Father of the native may die by 11 years age of his son.  

As a remedy, visiting temple & donations will be auspicious. Gold will be helpful. Avoid blue color clothing or some clothing similar to police uniform, weapon, electrical goods, blue sapphire, Rahu related work etc. But if native is employed at some place where there is dress code, it may not cause harm. During young age, school uniform will also not be a problem. 

Another remedy is to give some money in the form of coins to sweeper. In case, Jupiter is placed in 3H or 11H, wear jointless iron ring instead of gold. Drink milk in silver glass.

When Rahu is placed in 11H & Mars is placed in 3H, Mars (brother or elder brother of father) will suffer. Brother will have problems related to neck & elder brother of father will either have no male progeny of may loose one of his leg.

When Rahu is ill placed in 11H, Ketu placed in 5H will also give bad results for its significations. Native may suffer on account of male progeny, ears, legs, knees, feet, ears, spinal, urinary problems, loss while traveling, maternal uncle etc.   

When Saturn is placed in 11H, Mercury should not be placed in 3H

When Jupiter is related to Saturn placed in 11H, Saturn will give results like a natural benefic planet or religious planet especially when Rahu is also placed in 4H or Rahu is conjunct lord of 4H i.e. Moon. 

When Saturn is placed in 11H & 3H is vacant, Saturn will be in sleeping state. Or Saturn is ill placed in 11H. In both cases, it will give good results when it will come to 1H in Varshphala. 

When Saturn is placed in11H & Sun-Mars are in 10H & Moon is in 6H OR Sun is in 1H & Moon is in 2H, in both conditions, native will be wealthy & successful in career. 

When Saturn is placed in 11H & Venus is placed in 7H, native will benefit many people & native & people of circle will live comfortable life. 

When Saturn is placed in 11H, Mercury is in 3H & Jupiter is in 9H, all three will give bad results. But they will impact longevity. 

When Saturn is ill placed in 11H, Saturn may give bad results related to male progeny. Habit of drinking will totally spoil its results. Native will purchase house in late life around 54/55 years. But if native makes house in early age i.e. 36-39 years, native will die in the same house after long illness. After death of the native, his family will suffer as no one will extend any help to his family. 

Native with ill placed Saturn in 11H if starts living in south facing house, native will suffer on account of wealth loss. If native is of loose character (satyr) & alcoholic, native will suffer on account of rumors, health, longevity etc. As a remedy, drop alcohol on some muddy land for 40-43 days & leave bad habits. Keep silver brick at home.

When Saturn is ill placed in 11H, articles, relative & wok related to Mercury will not be auspicious. Earning money by cheating & fraud will cause loss of longevity. Changing position of doors especially main door to opposite direction like from east to west or from north to south & especially towards south will give bad results.  

When Venus is placed in 11H, & 3H is vacant, Mars help & Mars remedies are desired to get good results of Venus. Brother (Mars) of wife (Venus) will be helpful for wealth & family. Otherwise, three years after marriage, native will suffer. Native may become impotent & may suffer from urinary disease. He may have habit of regular masturbation & may have problem of night fall also. As a remedy & treatment, native can take help of Saturn like iron tablets or fish oil capsules. Or Moon help will be beneficial like silver foil. One can consult Ayurvedic doctor for medicines having iron or silver in it. Medicine should be consumed for 40-43 days. Even medicine having gold traced will be helpful if Ketu is well placed in horoscope. Male progeny may also die. Venus Maha Dasa of 20 years will be inauspicious. Perform remedies of Mercury & donate mustard oil. 

When Mercury is related to Venus, native will get wealth but native may loose family members over period of time & daughters may be cause of wealth loss. Rahu placed in 12H will also give wealth loss due to daughters. 

When Sun is placed in 11H & native has habit of eating non vegetarian food, it will cause serious problems for male progeny. Native should refrain from bad habit of Saturn. Native may be greedy. As a remedy, take radish or carrot or turnip or whole almonds & keep them overnight pillow side & donate in temple next morning. Do it for 4-43 days.


Planets of sudden attack will be only cross house i.e. 10H. Generally, we would expect planets in 10H rather than 12H. So, in case both houses has planets & 10H planet is well placed, try to remove planet of 12H be performing remedies.


When Jupiter is placed in 12 which is the house Jupiter & its permanent significator is Rahu. If native expects Jupiter to give good results, one should in involve in bad deeds of Rahu like one should not give false witness, cheating, fraud, dishonesty etc. If any one tries to harm native with Jupiter in 12H, he will himself suffer. Meditation will give good results. 

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & Saturn is related to Jupiter or placed in 9H & Saturn is not related to Rahu, native will benefit from work related to Saturn like machinery etc. When native is about to leave for any important work, right breath running will be auspicious. 

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & Saturn is related to Jupiter or placed in 2H or 11H, Saturn related work will be auspicious. Native will live a solitaire life. 

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & Rahu is placed in exalted house i.e. 6H, Jupiter will give support for material as well as spiritual. 

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & Ketu is exalted & well placed, native will be wealthy & will get happiness on account of male progeny.

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & 2H-8H--9H-10H are vacant, Jupiter will give results like a sleeping planet i.e. its auspicious results will be experience only after activation. 

When Jupiter is placed in 12H & Rahu is debilitated in 9H or 12H, education related work will be inauspicious. Native may be non religious. Native will suffer from wasteful expenses & father may suffer till the age of Rahu.

As a remedy, do not wear any bead malal around the neck. Do not disrespect saints, priests etc., do not cut pipal tree. Apply saffron at forehead & clean nose everyday.

When Ketu is placed in 12H, it generally gives good results to native when native is lecherous or satyr. Otherwise, Ketu will give inclinations towards renunciation.   

When Ketu in 12H is not indicating good results for native, it will give good results for 2H i.e. in-laws. Native's nature & personality will like Jupiter. Native may get some good results after birth of male progeny. 

When Ketu is placed in 12H & 6H is vacant (here LK do not count Rahu placed in 6H). native will be wealthy & happy on account of family. The only condition is that native should be satyr. 

When Ketu is ill placed in 12H, it may not give bad results for native but male progeny will suffer. This will especially happen when Rahu is conjunct inimical planets of Ketu in 6H. When this planet is Mars, native will not beget male child till 28 years. If Moon, till 32 years. If Sun, till 42 years. If Venus, till 25 years. Mercury conjunct Rahu will not be inauspicious. 

When Ketu is placed in 12H & native purchases house from person having no male child, it will give bad results for male progeny of native & it is possible, male child may die afterwards. 

When Ketu is placed in 12H & Moon is placed in 2H, either of the two can give good results despite both are exalted. 

When Ketu is placed in 12H, one should serve dogs especially complete male dog. For further benefit of male progeny, Rahu remedies will be helpful in male horoscope. For wealth, suck thumb dipped in milk. 

When Ketu is placed in 12H in female horoscope, Ketu itself will be helpful for remedy. Keep complete black male pet dog at home. Any ill effects of Ketu will be faced by the dog. Up to 11 dogs may die. Bring another dog within 40 days after the death of the dog.  

When Moon is placed in 12H, Mars, Mercury & Ketu will give results as per their placement in horoscope. For example, Mars placed in different houses will give good results of the house & relatives related to that house. Ketu will be inauspicious for that house. For example, say Ketu is in 3H, brothers will suffer. Mercury will also give inauspicious results of the house. For example, Mercury in 6H will give bad results for 6H i.e. daughters. 

When Moon is placed in 12H & Sun is placed in 3H, native will be beneficial for his family.

When Moon is placed in 12H & it comes to 12H or 1H in Varshphala, it will give bad results for family & wealth. 

When Moon is placed in 12H & Mars is placed in 1H & Sun is in 2H, native will suffer from poverty. There will be fear of drowning in early age. Bad results will be experienced up to 48 years & afterwards, Moon will give results like its placement in 3H. 

When Moon is placed in 12H & 2H-6H-12H has inimical planet, all the ancestral wealth will be destroyed after native's father transfer it in native's name. 

When Mercury is placed in its debilitation house i.e. 12H, only Saturn & Sun can save themselves (when conjunct Mercury in 12H) from bad effects of Mercury. Any planet (friendly or inimical) placed in 6H will be under retrograde aspect of Mercury & will give bad results. Jupiter placed in 6H, it will give bad results for father in regards to longevity & wealth. When Mars is placed in 6H, native's own blood relative like brother will have severe enmity with native & may even try to kill the native & they will also suffer.   

When Jupiter is placed in 2H or 12H, native will have respect, fame & power in society but native will suffer on account of theft of wealth, loss of wealth & wasteful expenses. When Saturn is placed in 2H or 12H, native will have wealth & family. 

When Jupiter or Saturn is placed in 3H, native will have wealth & family. 

When Jupiter & Saturn are placed in 7H, Mercury will give good results for native but Mercury related relatives (sister, sister of father, sister of mother, daughter etc. ) will suffer while living in their own family with native but their sufferings will end after marriage. 

Mercury in 12H is considered inauspicious in male horoscope but in female horoscope, it may not give bad results. When male horoscope has Mercury in 12H, his wife will also suffer. But if the wife of the native also has Mercury in 12H, suffering will be intense. But if Ketu is exalted in horoscope, Mercury will not give bad results except for Rahu (in-laws) placed in 6H. They will suffer from deep sorrow, obstacles & deaths. Whenever Ketu will come to exaltation house in Varshphala, that particular year, Mercury will not give bad results despite Ketu was not exalted in natal chart. 

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Ketu is placed in 6H under reverse aspect of Mercury, native will not beget male progeny & Venus will also give inauspicious results. 

When Mercury is placed in 12H & 2H is vacant, native will have low intellect & will perform actions in haste. Visiting temple (2H) will be helpful.

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Rahu is placed in 8H or 12H, native will have to undergo prison or hospitalization or desolation etc. despite native may not have done any crime or without any health problem. 

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Moon is placed in 6H, native's mother will be unfortunate & native may commit suicide. 

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Saturn is placed in 6H, work, relative, articles related to Saturn will be inauspicious.

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Moon is placed in 2H, native should keep wet sponge without bowl for income, wealth & career. Keep it preferably at office table.

When Mercury is placed in 12H & Rahu is placed in 2H, it will give inauspicious results for in-laws through sudden accidents & deaths.

When Mercury is placed in 12H or Mercury + Rahu are placed in 12H & Moon is in 5H & Saturn is in 9H & native purchases a vehicle of green color, native will meet an accident while traveling with relative of these planets. The front part of vehicle may completely destroy but death of any person is not the condition. 

As a remedy, serve dogs. Take important decisions in consultation with elders. Pierce nose & put silver in it. Wear yellow thread or gold chain around the neck & apply saffron at forehead. Wear jointless iron ring in middle finger purchased through own money. Put empty round mud pot in river / sewer for 43 days or at least 12 days.  

When Mars is placed in 12H, planet of 1H will generally give good results. Even Mercury or Ketu who are inimical to Mars will not give bad results. Native may have hot temperament & independent nature. Rahu will not be able to give bad results. Native will have sound sleep.

When Mars is placed in 12H & 

Jupiter is in 2H or 12H OR

Ketu is in 3H OR

Venus + Ketu are in 1H or 3H or 8H or 11H. In either of the mentioned conditions, native will be wealthy & successful in career. Native will have big family & longevity. Native will be protected even in death like situations. His enemies will be afraid of him to the extent that they will hide at some secret place to protect them from native.  

When Mars is placed in 12H & Sun is placed in 3H or 11H, native will be protected for longevity & health but the condition is that 11H planet should not be inimical to 8H planet.  

When Mars is placed in 12H & Mercury is placed in 4H or 8H & Mars is not related to Moon or Sun, native may die in early age & later mother may also die.

When Mars is placed in 12H & 3H is vacant or 3H has two or more planets, longevity of elder brothers will be under threat up to 28 years. Both native & his brother will suffer at same time. If any brother has Mars in 10H in his horoscope, that brother will be protected. As a remedy, visit temple every day. Donate sweet bread. Offer water to Lord Surya adding little jaggery. 

When Mars is placed in 12H & Saturn is placed in 2H, Mars will give inauspicious results. Native may suffer from sorrow & may have health issues related to arms. As a remedy, donate sugar candy (batashe) ruled by Mercury in temple. 

When Rahu is placed in 12H, it gives big expenses (like an elephant) on family & daughters.

When Rahu is placed in 12H & Venus is placed in 10H or 11H, native will beget daughters & number & quality of life of daughters will depend on Mercury. Native will have good earnings & quantum of earnings will depend on Jupiter. 

When Rahu is placed in 12H & inimical planets are related to Rahu, native will suffer due to jealousy.

When Saturn is well placed in 12H, native may become bald at back head i.e. may loose his hairs at the place of braid by the age of Saturn & it will be indication of becoming wealthy. 

When Saturn is well placed in 12H, native will get opportunity to make property every 6th or 12th year. Native should not obstruct it.  

When Saturn is placed in 12H & 2H does not have inimical planet, native will good night sleep & various comforts. 

When Saturn is placed in 12H & Rahu / Ketu are in exalted houses, it will be auspicious to have a dark room at the back of the house. It will bless wealth & family. As per LK principal, Saturn is generally auspicious if Ketu is placed in previous houses. So it looks contradictory but actually it is not as Rahu / Ketu will be in exalted houses & this is exception to that rule. 

When Saturn is well placed in 12H with well placed Rahu, Saturn will act like a wishful snake (Saturn) who carries precious gem stone (Rahu) at its head. In predictive terms it means that native will be highly clever, very wealthy & successful in his career. Native will have capacity to adapt himself in any circumstances through sharp intellect.  

When Saturn is ill placed in 12H, native will be a liar, a flirt with loose character & daily drinker. Such nature will be the cause of wife's illness followed by sufferings. 

When Saturn is placed in 12H & Sun aspects Saturn from 6H, native's wives will die one after the other especially when native makes arrangement of Sun light from back wall of house. Native will suffer from eye problems. As a remedy, bury red flowers. Keep whole almonds in South-east direction (12H) of the dark room of the house.

When Saturn is placed in 12H & related to Sun (for example conjunct Saturn or in 2H etc.), native will have hot temperament & full of anger which will give sufferings in career.   

When Venus is placed in 12H, native will prosper after marriage

When Venus is placed in 12H & Jupiter + Saturn are placed in 7H, native will be wealthy but wife may remain unhappy. 

When Venus is placed in 12H & Mercury is placed in 2H, native may be a poet, musician & wealthy. Native will have long life (both male & female native) 

When Venus is placed in 12H & both 2H & 7H are vacant, Venus will give bad results. 

When Venus is ill placed in 12H, native's wife will first face the bad effects followed by native himself. For good health of wife, it will be auspicious to offer donations through wife. Donating Cow or feeding cows on regular basis will be auspicious. Native should keep faith on his religion & preferably visit temple every day. As a remedy, wife of the native should bury blue flowers at some deserted place in the evening at dusk.   

When Venus is placed in 12H & Rahu is placed in 2H or 6H or 7H or 12H, family life may suffer up to 25 years of age. Rahu related work or articles etc. will be inauspicious. 

When Sun is placed in 12H, native may be emotionally trapped with some female & her family. 

When Sun is placed in 12H, native will prosper through Jupiter's nature avoiding bad deeds of Rahu. One should keep balcony or courtyard or deck or veranda as big possible at home. 

When Sun is placed in 12H & Saturn is placed in 6H, Venus will give good results. 

When Sun is placed in 12H & Ketu is placed in 2H, native will be able to earn wealth after half age of Ketu i.e. after 24 years. 

When Sun is placed in 12H & 1H has malefic planet (Paapi), native will suffer from sleep disorders & at Sun rise time. Native can remove these malefic effects through forgiving his enemies. 

The detailed results of planet placed in different houses will be provided in later chapters.  It will also include the results of two or more planets placed in a house. Two or more planets placed in a house may give their combined results or individual results in different houses. Let us take an example to understand this principal

Say Moon & Mars are conjunct. Both are friendly planets so conjunction is in general auspicious. It is like mix of milk (Moon) & honey (Mars). It gives good results for wealth & success in disputes. But while placed in different houses, their results may be modified. 


When Moon & Mars are well placed in 1H, this is the best Raj Yoga as native will be very wealthy & will hold good position in life. LK does not mention every time that when to consider them well placed or ill placed. Well placement means that they are not related to inimical planets either through conjunction or aspect or they are not interacting with inimical planets or there is no inimical planet in their houses. 

Good results may at times depend on some other planet & / or the lord or karaka of the house they are placed. This condition is explained in LK in almost all the cases.  

When Moon & Mars are well placed in 2H, it gives good wealth. 

In 3H, native will be intelligent, very wealthy, hard working, respected, progressive in life & will believe in making his fortune himself & will not bother about anyone. People may consider him a cruel person. 

In 4H, it gives wealth, family etc. but Mercury or Saturn should not placed in 4H or 10H.

In 7H, it gives lot of wealth & big family. 

In 9H, it gives wealth & family but people may consider him as a cruel person.

In 10H, their results depend on good or bad placement of Saturn. If Mercury is also well placed, it will give lot of wealth. For 10H planets to act as active planet, we desire a planet in 2H. But in this case, it is not mandatory. 10H planets generally spoil results of planet of 5H but it is not applicable in this case. When inimical planet is placed in 4H, both Mars & Moon will give bad results. 

In 11H, quantum of wealth will depend on good or bad placement of Saturn. Well placed Saturn will give good wealth through government. 

In 12H, it gives comfortable & peaceful life & sound night sleep. 

You can notice here that LK has not given results of the two planets in all houses. So they will either give bad results (as mentioned below) or their independent results. It means their conjunction may or may not work depending upon placement in different houses


When Mars & Moon are ill placed in 7H, native will be very greedy, money minded & may die due to sudden shock or accident. If Saturn is placed in 1H, native will be deprived from ancestral wealth. 

In 9H, native will die due to sudden shock. 

In 10H, native may die in some accident. Wealth is also not assured. 

In 11H, Native will be valetudinarian or superstitious & greedy. Native may fail in love affairs.  

For rest of the houses, they will give their independent results & not as conjunction. So Moon & Mars will give their independent results when placed in 5H, 6H & 8H. For 7H, 9H, 10H & 11H, LK has given both good & bad results as per their placement.  

S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer

Lal Kitab Vastu Expert  

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