The lord of the house is Mercury & karaka is Mars
The color of this house is bloody red (Mars) & so is the effect of this house (bloody). When 3H is occupied by an oppressor planet, it gives pain & sufferings. If Paapi are well placed in horoscope, it removes the pain given by planets placed in 3H. If 3H is occupied by Paapi & 6H & 8H are also inauspicious in horoscope, it can create death like situations in life (if not death). A bad planet placed in 3H generally does not harm the native but it can adversely effect the 11H & 9H through aspect. The native may have suffer from balarishtha yoga if 3H is occupied by a bad planet. Thereafter, native will have long life. There are many examples we will discuss in further lessons that planets placed in 3H if considered bad, they only damage planets of 9H & 11H but give long life to native.
The death like situation which a bad planet of 8H can create in life, gets stopped by planet of 3H despite it may be ill placed. As long as a planet is placed in 3H, native may not die & Jupiter may reveal the secret behind & final decision related to death will be taken as per Mercury placement. The wealth which comes through 11H goes away from 3H & the final judgement of wealth is decided through Mars
Even if planet placed in 12H is inimical to planet placed in 3H, it supports the planet of 3H. For example if Ketu is placed in 3H & Mars is placed in 12H, despite they are inimical, Mars will support Ketu placed in 3H & will give wealth. If Mercury is placed in 12H & Jupiter or Saturn is placed in 3H, it will give prosperity & abundance. If Rahu & Venus are placed in 12H, it may kill spouse in 21 (half the age of Rahu) or 25 years (age of Venus). But if Saturn is also placed in 3H, Saturn will support Venus & Rahu may not spoil the good results of Venus. So it means that it is not only 12H planet which supports planet placed in 3H but it is vice versa also. But if there are two or more planets placed in 3H, their results will be decided as per their friendly or inimical relationship.
If 3H is occupied by a bad planet, it will give disease related to that planet along with Mars (blood) & Mercury (veins, memory, mental state, intellect, skin etc.) All the combinations mentioned above may be influenced adversely if 6H also has a planet & it is inimical to planets of 12H & 3H. Remedy part will be discussed in later chapters but the thumb rule is to perform remedies of the planets placed in houses which are resulting in negative impact of 3H as mentioned above.
S Kuber RA
Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer
Lal Kitab Vastu Expert
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