The planets placed in 4H gives good effects during night or during the hardship / difficult period of life. It means the work related to planet placed in 4H will give good results during night period. When native does not get support from others, planets placed in 4H supports during old age. Planet placed in 4H gives results as per the placement of Moon in the horoscope. This placement is considered good or bad as per LK rules like LK says that when Jupiter is placed from 1H to 6H & Ketu is placed from 7H to 12H, Moon is considered inauspicious. We will discuss about Moon in detail in later lessons.

But the good or bad effects of the planet in 4H goes in the house where Saturn is placed. For example, say Mercury is well placed in 4H; Moon is also well placed; Saturn is placed in 7H; good effects of Mercury will be reflected through & for 7H. 7H is the house of Mercury & Venus. 7H is the house of daily income. 7H is the house of social image. 7H is the house of travel & safety of native during travel etc.  So we can expect native to have gains through relatives & work related to Mercury & Venus & they will also be benefited through native.  

When 4H & 2H are vacant, it gives progress for lifetime. 

Ill placed Saturn in 4H may be like poisonous snake & Mars may act like Mars malefic. 

When 8H, 6H & 3H are inauspicious in horoscope, 4H may be contributing cause of death.

Rahu & Ketu placed in 4H are considered as virtuous planets rather they remain silent in the 4H & promise not to give bad results. But they do not promise to give good results. If placed in any other house, they do not make any such promise as it is against their basic nature of giving inauspicious results. Sometimes, becoming silent may not be auspicious as if any mischief is not punished by the magistrate, one can become more cruel. In later chapters we will learn about Rahu / Ketu in 4H if wrongly activated (for Rahu by complete renovation of toilet or changing just roof top etc.) will give inauspicious results. For complete details, you can refer to Rahu in 4H in LK meanwhile. We will be posting it in coming time.  

When planet placed in 4H comes to 1H in Varshphala, Rahu will give inauspicious results in that year.      

When Moon is not placed in 1/4/7/10 houses & 4H is vacant, Moon will confer benefic effects to other planets & it itself will also give good results despite its placement may not be good. When there is only one planet placed in 4H & Moon may be ill placed in any house outside 1/4/7/10, for example in debilitated 8H or in 11H where it is considered of zero results, planet of 4H will give good results irrespective of friendly or inimical. When 4H & 9H planets are inimical to each other & they are ill placed, it gives adverse results. Native may get no respect in his family & may be discarded by the family like a dead body. For example when Moon is placed in 4H & Venus or Saturn are placed in 9H, it will give adverse results. But when Mercury is well placed in 4H where it gives results like a Raj Yoga & Jupiter is well placed in 9H, it will not give inauspicious results. Native may be like a King but will live like an ascetic (Yogi). Similarly, well placed Saturn is not taken as inimical to Jupiter. Say if Jupiter is well placed in 4H & Saturn is well placed in 9H, native will be kind, famous, supporter of all, live in beautiful house with all luxuries. When Mars is ill placed in 4H & 9H is occupied by Paapi (Rahu, Ketu & Saturn) native will prove to be inauspicious for the family.   

Friendly planets of Moon like Sun, Jupiter & Mars if placed in 4H with Moon, it gives very auspicious results for wealth & gives capacity to native to look after his / her family very well. If 3 more planets are placed in 4H with Moon, it will increase wealth 4 times. Male planets will support like a son & Mercury will support like a daughter & Venus will support like daughter in law. Moon with 2 more planets in 4H i.e. total three planets does not promise good results. It can give inauspicious results. Please remember that conjunction of three planets in any house is generally dicey & their results must be seen in LK given in later chapters. 

S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer

Lal Kitab Vastu Expert     

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