As long as Jupiter is well placed in horoscope, male progeny of native will not have sufferings & sorrow in life. When 5H has Paapi & Jupiter is ill placed in horoscope, it gives inauspicious results for 6H & 10H. 6H rules over service etc. & 10H rules over professional aspects etc. To protect from ill effects of this 5H, remedies are suggested by LK mentioned below. When Saturn or Venus or both are ill placed, it gives inauspicious results. If Moon is well placed, it will get relief from adverse results of 5H quite early. Planets placed in 3H & 11H also get involved for giving adverse results of 5H.  

When 3H, 4H, 9H are bad, it gives adverse results for 5H. Planets placed in 10H & 6H may be friendly to planet placed in 5H, but they will behave like inimical planets. 

If Ketu is well placed, it gives auspicious results. But if Rahu is ill placed, it gives inauspicious results. For example, if Rahu is placed in 5H (house of Sun) & Sun is placed in 12H (house of Rahu) & Ketu is ill placed in 11H, it will give adverse results of 5H like abortions, wrong planning, failures in consultancy, failures in job, failures in manager position, failures in maintaining close relationship, failures in love affairs etc.   


1) Bury articles related to inimical planets of 5H in 6H (bury under the foundation of house). Or

2) Place them in ancestral house if 8H is not bad in horoscope. If 8H has ill placed planet, perform remedy mentioned above. This is because, when 8H has ill placed planet, planet of the 10H gives adverse results two times.

When Sun & Venus are placed in 5H & they or Paapi come to 1H in Varshphala, it may give health problems. When Mercury & Venus are placed in 5H & Jupiter or Sun comes to 1H, it may give health problems.  


S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer 

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