It is auspicious in general not to have any planet in 6H. 2H aspects 6H & 6H aspects 12H. If planets in 2H & 12H are well placed but 6H is vacant, it will be auspicious rather required to activate 6H. To activate 6H, one should serve maternal uncle family, daughter & her family etc. Sun, Jupiter & Moon in 6H are planets of Rashiphala (remedies can be performed) but other planets in this house will be of Grehphala (remedies can not be performed), but in later chapters, LK has given remedies for them. For example, 

When Ketu is placed in 6H under aspect of inimical planet from 2H, LK suggests to wear gold ring in left hand. When Ketu is under aspect from Jupiter from 2H, it gives auspicious results. If 2H is vacant, it will be auspicious to donate articles related to Jupiter in temple.

When Mercury is ill placed in 6H, LK advises not to make a new door in North direction. Do not marry daughter in north direction from ancestral house & living place. When Mercury is ill placed in 6H & Venus is also ill placed in horoscope, LK states that one should bury pot filled with milk at some deserted place to support longevity of daughter. But if instead of Venus, Moon is ill placed in horoscope, one should bury glass bottle filled with milk with glass cap at some agriculture land. We can bury it any cultivated land like grass land etc. One should prefer the place where people do not walk over. 

When Mercury is ill placed in 6H & Ketu is also ill placed in horoscope & Venus is placed in 4H, native begets male progeny after the age of Mercury i.e. after 34 years. As a remedy, one should wear gold ring in right hand. His wife should wear silver ring in left hand. It will give support to daughter.           

When Mars is ill placed in 6H, it gives financial concerns to brothers of the native. If they somehow manage to make some money, they eventually face heavy loss. LK suggests that native's brother should keep giving free gifts to the native. When Ketu is ill placed in horoscope with Mars ill placed in 6H, native may loose first male child but native may beget male progeny by 34 years. It will be auspicious to distribute salty items instead of sweets at the birth of male progeny. Male progeny should not wear gold. One should not celebrate birth of male progeny with pump & show & let it be normal & ordinary celebration by first distributing salty items. Other remedies for Mars ill placed in 6H are

  • For own family, perform remedies of Saturn
  • To help brothers, serve small girls under puberty
  • For male progeny, perform remedies of Moon & Mercury
  • One should be of strong character & should never form any illicit relationship
When Rahu is ill placed in 6H, one should not fight with siblings.

When Saturn is ill placed in 6H, one should not use leather products (Saturn) especially shoes (Ketu). Iron articles should be avoided especially for children. Native should not be addicted to liquor. When native makes his property especially when Saturn comes to 6H in Varshphala, Saturn may give litigation & loss of job. Before the start of malefic results, native will get indication of it by way of theft of shoes. Actually Saturn here is forcing native to buy new shoes so malefic results may immediately start. This will happen especially when Saturn comes to 6H in Varshphala. Similar results can be expected during purchase of new machinery or other things related to Saturn. 

When Saturn is placed in 6H, Jupiter results are spoiled. Put Nariyal & whole almonds in river/ sewer. Do not marry before 28 years. It will be good to make property after 39 years rather after 48 years will be more auspicious. 

To support Ketu (male progeny), keep complete black male dog as pet. Perform remedies of Rahu. To support career, perform remedies of Mercury. 

Another important remedy for ill placed Saturn in 6H is that take a round mud pot with mud lid & fill it with mustard oil & bury at the river bank or pond bank so that it is not visible. Seal the pot with mud before burying it. 

When Venus is ill placed in 6H, keep solid silver at home. When Mercury is also ill placed in 5H, native should always keep his wife happy else it may give financial crisis. When native does not beget male progeny or male progeny dies after birth, one should wash genitals with red liquid or fennel boiled water under supervision of qualified doctor. Wife of the native should not walk barefoot on muddy land. Washing genitals with curd will also be auspicious.

When Sun is ill placed in 6H, LK states that native should not be fanatic. Do not make arrangement of light from western wall. Feed jaggery to monkeys. Feed millets to red ants. Perform remedies of Mercury & Moon. Give donations at temple. When Rahu is in 2H & Saturn is in 8H, bring some donated articles from temple. 

When Mercury or Ketu is ill placed in 6H, they may give bad results till the age of planet placed in 8H. The malefic effects of ill placed planet in 6H can adversely effect the houses where Mercury, Venus & Ketu are placed. Saturn placed in 6H gives reverse aspect on 2H. When Moon or Sun are placed in 6H, Mars placed in 4H does not give bad results. Actually in later chapters we will study about multiple conditions in which Mars does not behave like Mars malefic. Exalted planets in 6H (Rahu & Mercury) does not give bad effects to planets placed in 2H or 1/4/7/10 houses. 

Planet placed n 6H is inimical to planet placed in 10H or 5H. When 8H, 2H & 6H has planets, the final decision is given by planet placed in 6H. If they are friendly, it will give auspicious results.


Width / Length in 2/3 ratio respectively is considered auspicious. If width reduces in this proportion, it will be more auspicious. Width is governed by Ketu. Length is governed by Jupiter. Sun-Saturn governs over roundness & bulge. Mercury rules over elevation. 

Male having long face & mouth : kind
Male have wide face & mouth : selfish
Female having long face & mouth : sinister
Female having wide face & mouth : kind, fortunate       


In the right feet, below little finger & on the turrets of Mercury or Venus or at the bottom of the thumb :

1) Shell or pearl symbol gives results similar of the hand

2) Chakra symbol indicates comfortable life, fortunate & prosperity

3) Trishool or Ankush indicates big position (like head of some organization) & lover of justice     

4) Elephant's eye indicates that native will be like a king. If it is found on left feet, native will be a thief, robber but still be a poor & miserable

In case of females, on either feet, if there is deep symbol of lotus or shell or pearl, it indicates that she will beget male progeny. But if these symbols are light with thin lines, she may beget female progeny.     


S Kuber RA

Vedic & Lal Kitab Astrologer

Lal Kitab Vastu Expert   

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